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First Epistle.

From Epistle I., written soon after from Athens, and sent by Timothy, we learn:—The apostle's primary success and unflinching courage in preaching; not flattering, but warning; not self-asserting, but displaying a blameless example; entreating, exhorting, rebuking; his self-support by manual labour. His converts were principally from idolatry (i. 9), but partly Jewish proselyte women of rank and influence (Acts xvii. 4).

Summary. I. Paul's gratitude for their eager acceptance of the Gospel, and fidelity in maintaining it; encouraging them under persecution by his own example. II. Practical exhortations: (a) against their besetting sin; (b) encouraging the cultivation of Christian virtues (iv., v.). III. Consolation to those bereft of friends, by unfolding the glories of speedy resurrection, and transformation to a glorified body.

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