
« Prev Hymn 319: The bird that soars on highest wing Next »


James Montgomery

Be Clothed with Humility.--I. Peter, v. 5.

The bird that soars on highest wing,

Builds on the ground her lowly nest;

And she that doth most sweetly sing,

Sings in the shade when all things rest:

In lark and nightingale we see

What honour hath humility.

When Mary chose the "better part,"

She meekly sat at Jesus' feet

And Lydia's gently-open'd heart

Was made for God's own temple meet;

Fairest and best adorned is she,

Whose clothing is humility.

The saint that wears heaven's brightest crown,

In deepest adoration bends;

The weight of glory bows him down,

Then most, when most his soul ascends;

Nearest the throne itself must be

The footstool of humility.

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