
« Prev Hymn 320: God, o'er all supremely bless'd Next »


James Montgomery

Prayer for Spiritual Light, Holiness, and Peace.

God, o'er all supremely bless'd,

God, in Christ made manifest,

God, the Spirit, one in three;

Make Thy children one with Thee.

Let the glory of Thy face,

Let the riches of Thy grace,

Let Thine influence benign,

Sanctify and seal us Thine.

Thou art power, and love, and light,

By that threefold cord unite

All our schools, with large increase,

In Thy covenant of peace.

Then the living, year by year,

Shall recruit our numbers here,

And our dying friends supply

Fresh accessions to the sky.

Till, at mortal life's last stage,

Time himself shall die of age,

Death dethroned, lay down his head

In that grave where lay his dead.

Thence may we, in that dread hour,

Rescued from the tyrant's power,

With thy saints arise, and sing

Christ, Death's Conqueror, Christ Our King.

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