
« Prev Hymn 317: Youth, health, and strength are ours… Next »


James Montgomery

Youth resolving by Vows and Prayer to serve the Lord.

Youth, health, and strength are ours to-day,

And years to come in prospect lie;

But youth, health, strength, must soon decay,

This year--this moment, we may die.

Brought to the altar of the Lord,

Eternal enmity, we now

To sin and Satan would record;

To Christ eternal homage vow.


Lord, to Thyself our spirits draw,

Bind our affections with Thy love;

Incline our hearts to keep Thy law,

And fix our hopes on things above.

The fragrance, dew, and flower of youth,

The health and strength of Nature's prime,

We here present;--Oh! Thine in truth

Be all our talents, all our time.

Heavenward our course on earth be bent,

Where'er our future lot is cast;

And life, thus well and wisely spent,

Be pure and holy to the last.

« Prev Hymn 317: Youth, health, and strength are ours… Next »
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