
« Prev Hymn 316: O Lord our God, Thy light and truth Next »


James Montgomery

Poor Children praying for Grace.

O Lord our God, Thy light and truth

To us Thy children send,

That we may serve Thee in our youth,

And love Thee to the end.


By nature sinful, weak, and blind,

The downward path we trod,

Our wandering heart and wayward mind

Were enemies to God.

But friends and guardians now, through grace,

Our heedless steps restrain,

They teach us, Lord, to seek Thy face,

Which none shall seek in vain.

Hence to the hills we lift our eyes,

From which salvation springs;

O Sun of Righteousness, arise,

With bealing in Thy wings!

Arise,--and o'er this vale of tears,

Shine into perfect day,

Still heavenward, through progressive years,

Pointing the Christian's way.

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