No human eyes Thy face may see; No human thought Thy form may know; But all creation dwells in Thee, And Thy great life through all doth flow! | And yet, O strange and wondrous thought! Thou art a God who hearest prayer, And every heart with sorrow fraught To seek Thy present aid may dare. | And though most weak our efforts seem Into one creed these thoughts to bind, And vain the intellectual dream, To see and know the Eternal Mind,— | Yet Thou wilt turn them not aside, Who cannot solve Thy life divine, But would give up all reason’s pride To know their hearts approved by Thine. | And Thine unceasing love gave birth To our dear Lord, Thy holy Son, Who left a perfect proof on earth, That Duty, Love, and Truth are one. | So, though we faint on life’s dark hill, And Thought grow weak, and Knowledge flee, Yet Faith shall teach us courage still, And Love shall guide us on to Thee! | |