God of the earnest heart, The trust assured and still, Thou who our strength forever art,— We come to do Thy will! | Upon that painful road By saints serenely trod, Whereon their hallowing influence flowed, Would we go forth, O God! | ’Gainst doubt and shame and fear In human hearts to strive, That all may learn to love and bear, To conquer self, and live; | To draw Thy blessing down, And bring the wronged redress, And give this glorious world its crown, The spirit’s Godlikeness. | No dreams from toil to charm, No trembling on the tongue;— Lord, in Thy rest may we be calm, Through Thy completeness, strong! | Thou hearest while we pray; O deep within us write, With kindling power, our God, to-day, Thy word,—“On earth be light!” | |