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The Gifts freely given to the Kirk.—Cap. XXV.

Albeit that the word of God truly preached, the Sacraments rightly ministered, and discipline executed according to the Word of God, be the certain and infallible signs of the true Kirk; yet do we not so mean that every particular person joined with such a company, is an elect member of Christ Jesus. For we acknowledge and confess that darnel, cockle, and chaff may be sown, grow, and in great abundance lie in the midst of the wheat; that is, the reprobate may be joined in the society of the elect, and may externally use with them the benefits of the Word and Sacraments; but such, being but temporal professors in mouth and not in heart, do fall back362 and do not continue to the end; and therefore have they no fruit of Christ's death, resurrection, nor ascension. But such as with heart unfeignedly believe, and with mouth boldly confess the Lord Jesus, as before we have said, shall most assuredly receive these gifts; first, in this life, remission of sins, and that by faith only in Christ's blood, insomuch that, albeit sin remain and continually abide in these our mortal bodies, it is not imputed unto us, but is remitted and covered with Christ's justice. Secondly, in the general judgment there shall be given to every man and woman resurrection of the flesh; for the sea shall give her dead, the earth those that therein be inclosed; yea, the Eternal, our God, shall stretch out His hand upon dust, and the dead shall arise incorruptible, and that in the substance of the self-same flesh that every man now bears, to receive, according to their works, glory or punishment. For such as now delight in vanity, cruelty, filthiness, superstition, or idolatry, shall be adjudged to the fire inextinguishable, in the which they shall be tormented for ever, as well in their own bodies, as in their souls, which now they give to serve the Devil in all abomination. But such as continue in well-doing to the end, boldly professing the Lord Jesus, [we constantly believe that they shall receive glory, honour and immortality, to reign for ever in life everlasting with Christ Jesus,] to whose glorified body all His elect shall be made like, when He shall appear again to judgment, and shall render up the kingdom to God His Father, who then shall be, and ever shall remain all in all things, God blessed for ever: To whom, with the Son, and with the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and ever. Amen.

Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be confounded: Let them flee from Thy presence that hate Thy godly name: Give Thy servants strength to speak Thy Word in boldness: and let all nations attain to Thy true knowledge.

These Acts and Articles were read in face of Parliament and ratified by the Three Estates of the Realm at Edinburgh, on the 17th day of August in the year of God 1560.

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