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Of the Civil Magistrate.—Cap. XXIV.

We confess and acknowledge empires, kingdoms, dominions, and cities to be distinct and ordained by God: the powers and authorities in the same, be it of emperors in their empires, of kings in their realms, dukes and princes in their dominions, or of other magistrates in free cities, to be God's holy ordinance, ordained for manifestation of His own glory, and for the singular profit and commodity of mankind. So that whosoever goes about to take away or to confound the whole state of civil361 policies, now long established, we affirm not only to be enemies to mankind, but also wickedly to fight against God's expressed will. We farther confess and acknowledge that such persons as are placed in authority are to be loved, honoured, feared, and holden in most reverent estimation; because they are the lieutenants of God, in whose session God Himself doth sit and judge (yea, even the judges and princes themselves), to whom by God is given the sword, to the praise and defence of good men, and to revenge and punish all open malefactors. Moreover, to kings, princes, rulers, and magistrates, we affirm that chiefly and most principally the reformation and purgation of religion appertains; so that not only they are appointed for civil policy, but also for maintenance of the true religion, and for suppressing of idolatry and superstition whatsoever, as in David, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah and others, highly commended for their zeal in that case, may be espied. And therefore we confess and vow, that such as resist the supreme power, doing that thing which appertains to his charge, do resist God's ordinance, and therefore cannot be guiltless. And farther, we affirm that whosoever deny unto them their aid, counsel, and comfort, while the princes and rulers vigilantly travail in the executing of their office, deny their help, support, and counsel to God, who by the presence of His lieutenant craveth it of them.

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