¶ Antiphon (II)
Chor. PRaised be the God of love, Men. Here below, Angels. And here above: Cho. Who hath dealt his mercies so, Ang. To his friend, Men. And to his foe; Cho. That both grace and glorie tend Ang. Us of old, Men. And us in th'end. Cho. The great shepherd of the fold Ang. Us did make, Men. For us was sold. Cho. He our foes in pieces brake; Ang. Him we touch; Men. And him we take. Cho. Wherefore since that he is such, Ang. We adore, Men. And we do crouch. Cho. Lord, thy praises should be more. Men. We have none,1 Ang. And we no store. Cho. Praised be the God alone, Who hath made of two folds one. |
1 Men/women have none sufficient to give just praise. Angels have no store/reserve of praises, and, therefore, none to give to mortals. See To all Angels and Saints. Therefore, mortals must be continually responsible to generate and return praise to God. [Return] Antiphon: A versicle or sentence sung by one choir in response to another choir. Also the composition. (Oxford English Dictionary) Benjamin Britten (1903-1976) wrote "Antiphon," an anthem, with the words of this poem. [Identified thanks to Brock Erickson, St. Martin’s Chamber Choir.] Music Interpretation: "Antiphon (II)," an anthem by Red Dragon. For Links on Music and George Herbert |
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