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SHAMEFUL my sloth, that have deferred my night prayer till I am in bed. This 90lying along is an improper posture for piety. Indeed, there is no contrivance of our body, but some good man in Scripture hath hanselled it with prayer. The publican standing, Job sitting, [Job ii. 8.] Hezekiah lying on his bed, Elijah with his face between his legs. [1 Kings xviii. 42.] But of all gestures give me St. Paul’s: [Ephes. iii. 14.] For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ. Knees, when they may, then they must be bended.

I have read a copy of a grant of liberty from Queen Mary to Henry Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex, giving him leave to wear a nightcap or coif in her Majesty’s presence,1717Weever’s Fun. Mon., p. 635. counted a great favour, because of his infirmity. I know, in case of necessity, God would graciously accept my devotion, bound down in a sick dressing; but now whilst I am in perfect health it is inexcusable. Christ commanded some to take up their bed, in token of their full recovery; my laziness may suspect, lest thus my bed taking me up prove a presage of my ensuing sickness. But may God pardon my idleness this once, I will not again offend in the same kind, by his grace hereafter.

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