
« Prev V. Blushing to be Blushed for. Next »


A PERSON of great quality was pleased to lodge a night in my house. I durst not invite him to my family prayer; and therefore for that time omitted it: thereby making a breach in a good custom, and giving Satan advantage to assault it. Yea, the loosening of such a link might have endangered the scattering of the chain.

Bold bashfulness, which durst offend God whilst it did fear man. Especially considering, that, though my guest was never so high, yet by the laws of hospitality I was above him whilst he was under my roof. Hereafter, whosoever cometh within the doors shall be requested to come within the discipline of my house; if accepting my homely diet, he will not refuse my home devotion; and sitting at my table, will be entreated to kneel down by it.

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