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Thou art my portion, O Lord; I have promised to keep thy law.

Psa. cxix. 57.

Gerhard Tersteegen. 1697-1769.

Frances E. Cox. Tr. 1841

Lo! my choice is now decided,

Now, with heart no more divided,

I devote to God my days;

Sin, to thee no more I’ll listen,

World, howe’er thy gauds may glisten,

Ne’er I’ll turn on thee to gaze.

Toys my heart away have carried,

Here and there I oft have tarried,

Now my purpose shall not swerve;

All my life to God I’ll tender,

To his will mine own surrender,

Day and night his statutes serve.

Lord, to Thee I yield sincerely

All that here I prize most dearly,

See, I nothing keep from Thee;

Search my reins and heart all over,

Should’st Thou there deceit discover,

Oh! remove it speedily.

No fatigue or pain declining,

All my heart to Thee resigning,

I will go where Thou dost lead;

If my every word and action

In thy sight give satisfaction,

Nothing more I then can need.

One thing first and only knowing,

Elsewhere not a thought bestowing,

Now I quit the paths I trod;

Stranger to the world’s vain pleasure,

Here I’ve no abiding treasure,

Hid my life with Christ in God.

Thou’rt the portion I’ll inherit;

Oh! let heart, and soul, and spirit

To thy service, Lord, be bow’d!

Thine henceforth, O blessed Saviour,

May I, in my whole behaviour,

Practise what my lips have vow’d.

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