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The angel of the Lord tarrieth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

Psa. xxxiv. 7.

Nicolaus Hermann. Died 1561.

Frances E. Cox. Tr. 1841

Sunk is the sun’s last beam of light,

And darkness wraps the world in night;

Christ! light us with thy heavenly ray,

Nor let our feet in darkness stray.

Thanks, Lord, that Thou throughout the day

Hast kept all grief and harm away;

That angels tarried round about

Our coming in, and going out.

Whate’er of wrong we’ve done or said,

Let not on us the charge be laid;

That through thy free forgiveness blest,

In peaceful slumber we may rest.

Thy guardian angels round us place,

All evil from our couch to chase;

Both soul and body, while we sleep,

In safety, gracious Father, keep.

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