Table of Contents
Proposition II. There must have existed from eternity one independent being.
Proposition III. The one independent Being must be necessarily existing.
Proposition IV: The essence of the self-existent Being [is] incomprehensible.
Proposition V. That the self-existent being must be eternal.
Proposition VI. That the self-existent being must be infinite and omnipresent.
Proposition VII. That the self-existent being can be but one.
Proposition VIII. That the self-existent being must be intelligent.
Proposition IX. That the self-existent being must be a free agent.
Proposition X. That the self-existent being must be all-powerful.
Proposition XII. The supreme author of all things must be infinitely good, just, and true.
Letters to the Reverend Dr. Clarke from a Gentleman in Gloucestershire.