Go, ye saints, to Bethlehem, Ere the morning breaks, Hear the song the angels sing While the earth awakes,-- Go, and put your harps in tune, For the praise of the Triune. | Go, ye saints, to Galilee, When the noon is high, Hear the voice of Wisdom speak To the passers by, See the work of mercy wrought, Learn to labour as ye ought. | Go, and seek Gethsemane, In its darkest shade; See the sorrowing God-man there, Sighing, prostrate laid; Go, and pray "Thy will be done," With the agonizing Son. | 105 Go, ye saints, to Calvary, Where the flesh is torn; See the power of sin o'erthrown 'Mid its shouts of scorn; And, before the awful Cross, Count the gain that comes from loss. | |