O Jesus Christ, when Thou didst dwell On earth with mortals long ago, The heavy-laden knew Thee well, And Thou didst heed their cry of woe. | And Thou didst hear the humble prayer That told the sorrow of the soul; And to the spirit crushed by care Thou gav'st the word that made it whole. | The darkened mind with heavenly light Thou, from Thy presence, didst illume; And day returning after night, Dispelled their dismal clouds of gloom. | And eyes with sorrow filled were made To shine with hope like early morn; Enduring joys for those that fade, Thou gav'st their sadness to adorn. | 104 And Thou, O Christ, art still the same, Time hath not chilled Thy loving heart; Come then, as Christ in mercy came, And now, as then, Thyself impart. | We need Thee still; O gracious Lord, In all our sin, and grief, and pain, Come then, and let Thy living word Enrich our needy lives again. | |