
« Prev XXVII: O Lord of life, when mortals call Next »



O Lord of life, when mortals call,

And freedom seek from earthly thrall,

Hear Thou in heaven, and save us all,

In mercy, Lord.

O Full of Mercy! when we groan,

Because of sin our spirits own,

Hear, Who for sinners did atone,

In mercy, Lord.


O Full of Pity! when we bear

To Thy blest feet our carking care,

Take of our weary load a share,

In mercy, Lord.

O Full of Grace! when sufferers tell

The grief Thou knowest, Lord, so well,

Come, with the broken-hearted dwell,

In mercy, Lord.

When lured by hope our spirits rise,

To where Thou beckon'st from the skies,

Then be eternal life the prize,

In mercy, Lord.

« Prev XXVII: O Lord of life, when mortals call Next »
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