
« Prev XXVIII: O Light of lights! when other light is… Next »



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O Light of lights! when other light is fading,

Then in my soul with heavenly brightness shine;

Let there be light! the night and fear upbraiding,

Speak Thou the word and send the Light divine.

O Joy of joys! when other joy is sighing,

Sing to my soul and bid its sadness flee;

And when the songs my bitter tears are drying,

Come with Thy gladness, and rejoice with me.

O Love of loves! When other love is dying,

And hearts grow cold, and eyes that lured me frown,


Come to my heart, thou Love, all hate defying,

Full of all pity to our world come down.

O Bliss of bliss! when earth with all its treasures

Shrinks from my grasp, and leaves me poor and sad;

May I with Christ, fill up my empty measures,

And in His presence reap the hopes I had.

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