
« Prev XXIV: O Christ, Thou art my King Next »



O Christ, Thou art my King,

Thy cause I make mine own,

All that I have I bring,

To lay before Thy throne;

The oath of fealty now I take,

To live and suffer for Thy sake.

Less could no loyal soul

In true devotion gift;--

My sacrifice the whole,

Not part to Thee I lift:--

Lord, at Thy kingly throne I bow,

Receive my heart's devotion now.

Thou didst not count the cost,

O Christ my heavenly king,

When Thou didst save the lost

By Thy great offering;

Thou laid'st Thine ageless glory by,

And cam'st to earth for man to die,


O Christ, Thou art my King,--

Thy kingdom come, I pray,

Till endless praise shall ring

Throughout an endless day,

And tribute fill the courts of heaven

By loyal hearts in fealty given.

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