
« Prev XXIII: Ask, and thy prayer with arrow's speed Next »



Ask, and thy prayer with arrow's speed

Shall bear to God thy present need;

And for thy help from heaven shall bring

Love's best, and gracious offering.

Seek, and the grace of God most kind

Thy needy soul shall surely find;

Light shall break forth, and treasures rare

Shall sparkle round thee, everywhere.


Knock, and the gate of God shall spring

Wide, for thy soul's free entering,

And in the bliss by pilgrims shared,

Thou shalt receive a place prepared.

Rest in thy God, in quietness rest,

He is thy Friend, He loves thee best;

Heaven has a store, its wealth endures,

Faith in thy God His grace secures.

« Prev XXIII: Ask, and thy prayer with arrow's speed Next »
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