
« Prev III: The solemn feast was spent Next »



The solemn feast was spent,

And night had spread her pall,

When Christ with His disciples went

Beyond the city wall;

And in the dark He led the way,

Towards the lone Gethsemane.

He took His chosen three,

And bowed with grief He saith,

"Abide ye here, and watch with me,

I sorrow unto death";

Then, moving forward still a pace,

He fell in prayer upon His face.

Ah, ill their watch they keep,

For soon their eyelids close,


And when their Lord returned, in sleep

Those weary men repose;

"Awake," He said, "make prayerful call,

Lest ye before the tempter fall."

Thrice did the Master pray,

That God His Son would save;

But heaven in silence turned away,

And earth no comfort gave;

And still the worn disciples slept

While Christ alone the vigil kept.

O soul of mine, awake!

Cast off thy careless sleep;

To God Thy prayer for succour make

And earnest vigil keep;

And learn, whate'er His will may be,

To do that will is best for thee.

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