
« Prev IV: To-day a wonder we behold Next »



Foberon kai paradoxon Musthrion

Sticheron Idiomelon from Vespers on Friday of Passion Week

To-day a wonder we behold,

A Mystery profound,--

The Great Invisible of old

Before our eyes is bound:

And He Who came to set us free,

Is held in base captivity.


The judge of all, to Whose assize

The race of man shall wend,

When He to judgement shall arise,

And forth the summons send,--

Behold Him, faultless and alone,

Before an earthly judgement throne.

And cruel hands are on Him laid,

And smite Him on the face,

'Though by Himself the hands were made,

Thus sullied with disgrace;

Creation, view the awful sight,

The creature his Creator smite.

He, Who Immortal Life bestows,

And hades' might defies,

Is hurried by relentless hands,

To Calvary, where He dies;--

And all is borne,--the scorn, the Cross,

In love to save our souls from loss.

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