Foberon kai paradoxon Musthrion
Sticheron Idiomelon from Vespers on Friday of Passion Week
To-day a wonder we behold, A Mystery profound,-- The Great Invisible of old Before our eyes is bound: And He Who came to set us free, Is held in base captivity. | 26 The judge of all, to Whose assize The race of man shall wend, When He to judgement shall arise, And forth the summons send,-- Behold Him, faultless and alone, Before an earthly judgement throne. | And cruel hands are on Him laid, And smite Him on the face, 'Though by Himself the hands were made, Thus sullied with disgrace; Creation, view the awful sight, The creature his Creator smite. | He, Who Immortal Life bestows, And hades' might defies, Is hurried by relentless hands, To Calvary, where He dies;-- And all is borne,--the scorn, the Cross, In love to save our souls from loss. | |