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A stream of mercy springs, 114
Ah! woe is me, because of sin, 90
As angel hosts with heavenly songs, 107
Beyond the clouds of heaven, 133
Close beside the heart that loves me, 128
Come friends, behold me here, 118
Eternal Ruler, Thou didst will, 88
Firm through the endless years, 79
From the calm of sleep awaking, 74
Hail the morn with gladness crowned! 127
In mine affliction, Lord, 71
Mourn, my soul, thy primal sin, 86
Now let our souls ascend, 72
Now the Lord from earth ascending, 106
O come and let us worship Christ, 102
O God of Light and Life and Joy, 136
O Jesus, when our spirits mourn, 76
O Paradise above, 121
Our hearts to heaven upraising, 109
See where the orb of day, 139
Surely comes the dreadful day, 85
The Day of Resurrection! 97
The morn in beauty breaks, 138
The time shall surely come, 130
Thee, as the evening light declines, 104
This is the time of song, 111
Then the earth in terror shook, 92
Thou Christ alone art great, 113
Thy birth upon our world hath given, 81
Thy glorious rising on the first of days, 95
Triple Beam of glory, 134
Vain the bliss from earth that springs, 125
Wake my soul! in careless slumber, 78
What joy of earth abideth, 116
What Saviour comes from Edom, 91
When came the call to me, 73
When Christ the Lord shall come, 83
When glory crowned the mountain top, 132
When the trumpet's sound shall wake, 84
When wicked hands had firmly sealed, 98
When with powers of heaven attending, 82
Wherefore on the cross uplifted, 100
Who toiled for Christ through suffering sore, 115
Who would not weep, my child, 120
Word of God, Who by Thy will, 93
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