
« Prev 63: Great Son of God, supremely brave Next »


Great Son of God, supremely brave,

Who stooped to earth in fleshly guise,

The erring souls of men to save,

And bring them back to Paradise;

Unceasing praise Thy love shall tell,

Where men redeemed, and angels dwell.

Great Son of God, supremely meek,

The vileness of our shame to wear;

In haunts of sin the lost to seek,

The burden of their guilt to bear,

And on a cross resign Thy breath,

To save their souls from endless death.


Great Son of God, supremely good,

The blessing of Thy life to give;

Thy wounded flesh for needful food,

That in Thy strength our souls may live,

And in that strength unfaltering rise

To lives of noblest sacrifice.

Great Son of God, we own Thy claim--

Our souls are Thine, and not our own;

Now on our foreheads stamp Thy name,

That we may live for Thee alone,

And in our lives such service show,

As Thou didst render here below.

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