
« Prev 62: Great love Divine, whose compass broad Next »


Great love Divine, whose compass broad

Involves the utmost point from God;

Wide as the sun its radiance sheds,

Broad as the night its darkness spreads;

Far as the heavens creation span

Reaches the love of God for man.

Great love Divine, far reaching, vast,

To endless time from ages past;

As far as stretches human need,

Far as the sin of man can lead;

No wandering soul outstrips its pace,

Or gains the limit of its grace.


Great love Divine, profoundly deep,

More mysteries than the waters keep

Are held within its vast abyss,

Unsounded, dark, and fathomless;

It sinks to where the hopeless lie,

To touch their deepest misery.

Great love Divine, surpassing far

In height yon glorious morning star;

Brighter its sheen, more pure and fair,

No stain of faithlessness is there;

It beckons from the heavenly throne

Whence from eternity it shone.

Profoundest thought the mind can hold,

Conned by the saints through ages old,

Taught by the Christ whose mission showed

Its greatness by the gift bestowed;

Great love Divine!--immortal theme!

In breadth, length, depth, and height supreme.

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