107 14,14,4,7,8
"Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord."--Psalm 150:6.
"Lobe den Herren"
Joachim Neander
transl., Jane Borthwick, 1855
Praise to Jehovah! the almighty King of Creation! Swell heaven's chorus, chime in every heart, every nation! O my soul! wake-- Harp, lute, and psaltery take, Sound forth in glad adoration. | Praise to Jehovah! whose love o'er thy course is attending, Redeeming thy life, and thee from all evil defending. Through all the past, O my soul! over thee cast, His sheltering wings were bending! | Praise to Jehovah! whose fence has been planted around thee, Who, from His heavens, with blessing and mercy has crowned thee. Think, happy one! What He can do, and has done, Since in His pity He found thee. | 108 Praise to Jehovah! all that has breath praise Him, sing praises; Bless God, O my soul and all that is in me, sing praises. In Him rejoice, Until for ever thy voice The hymn of eternity raises! | |