« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 7: Remember, Lord, thy gracious… | Next » |
49Remember, Lord, thy gracious word thou to thy servant spake, Which, for a ground of my sure hope, thou causedst me to take. | 50This word of thine my comfort is in mine affliction: For in my straits I am reviv’d by this thy word alone. | 51The men whose hearts with pride are stuff’d did greatly me deride; Yet from thy straight commandements I have not turn’d aside. | 52Thy judgments righteous, O Lord, which thou of old forth gave, I did remember, and myself by them comforted have. | 53Horror took hold on me, because ill men thy law forsake. 54I in my house of pilgrimage thy laws my songs do make. | 55Thy name by night, Lord, I did mind, and I have kept thy law. 56And this I had, because thy word I kept, and stood in awe. | |
« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 7: Remember, Lord, thy gracious… | Next » |