« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 6: Let thy sweet mercies also come | Next » |
41Let thy sweet mercies also come and visit me, O Lord; Ev’n thy benign salvation, according to thy word. | 42So shall I have wherewith I may give him an answer just, Who spitefully reproacheth me; for in thy word I trust. | 43The word of truth out of my mouth take thou not utterly; For on thy judgments righteous my hope doth still rely. | 44So shall I keep for evermore thy law continually. 45And, sith that I thy precepts seek, I’ll walk at liberty. | 46I’ll speak thy word to kings, and I with shame shall not be mov’d; 47And will delight myself always in thy laws, which I lov’d. | 48To thy commandments, which I lov’d, my hands lift up I will; And I will also meditate upon thy statutes still. | |
« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 6: Let thy sweet mercies also come | Next » |