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- First two notes: 51 ·
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- 51
- 51111 12333 31355 Revive Us Again
- 51111 12333 33511 Lambdin
- 51111 13556 53222 Land Beyond*
- 51111 22343 14433 Tallis' Evening Hymn
- 51111 32122 224__ Jacob's Vision
- 51111 32171 22224 Home Over There
- 51111 76551 11712 McAnally
- 51111 76564 35671 Habakkuk
- 51112 17656 75165 High Road
- 51112 31222 34543 Lovingkindness
- 51112 31666 53556 Pisgah
- 51112 32117 66555 Laud
- 51112 32135 65432 Miles' Lane
- 51112 32345 34312 Forest Green
- 51112 33312 21715 Surabaja
- 51112 33345 55655 Sunlight in My Soul
- 51112 34321 35343 Jalan
- 51112 34554 32121 Halifax
- 51112 345__ _____ Shelter
- 51113 21543 21223 Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart*
- 51113 21611 12222 Goodness
- 51113 21651 22212 Sheltering Rock
- 51113 25555 34235 Zerah
- 51113 45555 12332 Mirfield
- 51113 555__ _____ Montrose
- 51122 31443 21511 Rhosymedre
- 51122 31621 75671 Creation
- 51122 32114 43325 Llangloflan
- 51122 32114 4332_ Llanfyllin
- 51122 32123 3432_ Azmon
- 51122 32156 6165_ Ortonville
- 51122 33251 1765_ Tabor
- 51123 11345 56423 Cradle Song
- 51123 14432 51123 Lyons
- 51123 33332 23457 Let Him Have His Way With Thee
- 51123 34532 15112 Paderborn
- 51123 35432 33321 Was Lebet, Was Schwebet
- 51123 51165 51123 Land of Rest (American)
- 51123 51271 23217 Hanover
- 51131 15151 31323 Methfessel
- 51131 16151 23251 Morning Light
- 51131 661__ _____ Golden Chain
- 51131 66271 55435 Harvest Time
- 51132 11776 65443 Tetworth
- 51132 12345 43432 St. Thomas (Williams)
- 51132 15567 16551 McNeely
- 51132 17125 23432 Christmas Eve
- 51133 21232 13212 Coronation
- 51135 56531 23511 I Love Thee
- 51135 6532_ _____ Ada
- 51155 31543 21556 Wir Pflugen
- 51155 765__ _____ Benton Harbor
- 51171 22117 56652 St. Timothy
- 51171 23432 51171 Bring a Torch
- 51171 33255 54323 Mendelssohn
- 51173 22154 31231 Moultrie
- 51175 67117 65432 Old Hundred Twenty-Seventh
- 51175 73543 32242 St. Patrick's Breastplate
- 51176 51234 32132 Arfon
- 51176 53123 62333 Wentworth
- 51176 56556 52171 Bethlehem (Fink)
- 51176 56712 3212_ Arthur's Seat
- 51215 17654 35332 Fear Not
- 51217 52321 65432 Wellesley
- 51217 65565 43132 Clonmel
- 51231 23421 2312_ El Dorado
- 51231 24336 71652 St. James
- 51231 43223 17655 Lancaster
- 51231 61655 12312 Happy Zion
- 51231 66234 27___ Keegan
- 51231 67165 5132_ Brown
- 51232 12345 65567 Stevens
- 51232 12757 76511 Neumark
- 51232 13565 43324 Glasgow
- 51232 14325 36445 St. Bernard (Cologne)
- 51232 15671 65512 Kane
- 51232 16551 2345_ Twenty-Fourth
- 51232 17312 34554 Au Fort de Ma Detresse
- 51232 17551 2345_ Xavier
- 51232 17666 51171 Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien
- 51232 41725 55543 Elven
- 51233 21117 65577 Follow On
- 51233 21212 33555 Light of the World
- 51233 21616 51712 Lux Benigna
- 51233 32122 _____ My Redeemer
- 51233 34123 32123 Whittle
- 51233 34123 54343 Give Me Thy Heart
- 51233 34231 51234 Sweet Promise
- 51233 34325 43237 Alsace
- 51234 32175 51234 Morning Song
- 51234 51217 17655 Diadem
- 51234 53456 75234 Leoni
- 51234 54322 34554 O Jesu, Warum Legst Du Mir
- 51234 54365 43432 Was Gott Tut
- 51234 543__ _____ Hayn
- 51234 55654 65432 Vreuchten
- 51234 56543 _____ Othello
- 51234 65135 54543 Lischer
- 51235 123__ _____ Happy Day
- 51235 43243 2171_ Springbrook
- 51235 55654 32234 American Hymn
- 51237 12724 43134 Brockham
- 51275 12323 13452 St. Magnus (Clark)
- 51277 12345 57334 Schonster Herr Jesus (Munster)
- 51312 31345 65321 Trusting
- 51316 16551 71232 Channels
- 51317 61513 53132 Close to Thee
- 51317 65155 63234 Rathbun
- 51317 65512 35234 St. Victor
- 51321 21561 76165 Precious Name
- 51321 56123 45243 Cameronian Midnight Hymn
- 51321 64343 51276 Bradford (Handel)
- 51321 65555 53212 Sanctuary
- 51321 71251 71237 Culross
- 51321 71655 53221 He Lives On High
- 51322 35432 21176 Old Hundred Thirty Fourth
- 51323 13455 31322 Lubbock
- 51331 24423 17125 Duane Street
- 51333 212__ _____ Yarbrough
- 51333 21321 13555 Were You There
- 51333 21761 51355 Sing to Me of Heaven*
- 51334 33257 21322 Norris
- 51345 13455 65451 Paschall
- 51346 55657 12551 Doncaster
- 51353 21321 17612 Caddo
- 51353 32132 57246 He Is Calling*
- 51353 32234 44217 Solid Rock
- 51354 31124 32175 Ash Grove
- 51354 34213 25171 Richmond
- 51355 43562 17151 Vigil
- 51357 21654 31321 Hauge
- 51364 21712 35143 Cromer
- 51364 32153 21765 Bristol (Hodges)
- 51432 12336 65354 Psalm Eighty-Four
- 51432 13257 65556 Chiselhurst
- 51512 32155 43334 St. Drostane
- 51512 32345 13217 Sheffield (English)
- 51515 13456 53156 Jesus Leads the Way*
- 51531 65434 523__ Jubilate
- 51532 16534 56713 Church Triumphant
- 51535 25457 52515 Memories of Galilee
- 51535 65671 76523 Festal Song
- 51543 21554 35421 Far Off Lands
- 51543 21576 17675 Auf, Auf, Mein Herz
- 51545 34562 23516 Crucifer (Nicholson)
- 51551 32111 62165 Hankey
- 51561 2123_ _____ Spiritus Domini
- 51564 32123 45176 Isleworth
- 51565 43554 32215 Salzburg (Hintze)
- 51566 54334 32554 Winchester New
- 51566 56543 21234 Dir, Dir, Jehovah
- 51567 11432 11771 Schumann
- 51615 12323 5____ Foundation (Union Harmony)
- 51651 23213 53213 Avon
- 51712 32344 35432 Towner
- 51712 33236 71665 Arundel
- 51712 34255 55666 Hayes
- 51712 35432 21623 Easton
- 51712 37176 55765 Song Four
- 51712 43223 45342 Herrnhut (Gesius)
- 51712 53135 17612 Jesu
- 51712 56711 76377 Germany
- 51713 65543 22313 Pearsall
- 51715 65345 32113 Croft's Hundred Thirty-Sixth
- 51715 65345 67143 Crediton
- 51717 53451 75432 Llansannan
- 51721 32113 24217 Bradford (Haydn)
- 51721 76676 56551 It's Just Like His Great Love
- 51754 34554 57545 Dunwody
- 51756 65423 45432 Heathlands
- 51763 54472 17465 Name of Jesus (Lorenz)
- 51765 13455 67122 Ellacombe
- 51765 34554 35671 Lebet Den Herren, Alle
- 51765 43234 6531_ All The World
- 51765 43513 32132 Glory Song
- 51765 54332 1432_ St. Peter
- 51765 62433 25325 Festus
- 51765 65432 13455 Meyer
- 51766 43223 45176 Abends
- 51776 55123 21517 Hawarden
- 53
- 53121 71123 45432 Italian Hymn
- 53123 45667 51765 Carlson
- 53125 16543 53251 Laudate Dominum
- 53127 1123_ _____ Salvation
- 53132 43231 35543 Jewett
- 53135 13216 71___ National Anthem
- 53135 65531 35654 Resonet in Laudibus
- 53153 21566 51543 Regent Square
- 53153 54427 57215 The Lion of Judah*
- 53165 43251 76653 Bedford
- 53165 54567 15333 Consolator
- 53171 32143 66551 Seasons (Mendelssohn)
- 53211 23453 56543 Erfurt (Weimar)
- 53211 76715 31276 Naar Mie Oie
- 53212 16555 65435 Nyland
- 53212 17132 17176 Devotion
- 53213 517__ _____ Sweet Peace
- 53214 32671 35762 Peniel (Hastings)
- 53215 17653 65432 Chelsea Square
- 53215 45666 64326 Stanphill
- 53215 56622 54321 Darmstadt (Fritsch)
- 53215 61253 32177 Sine Nomine
- 53215 64465 33213 He Leadeth Me
- 53215 65433 35432 Bangor
- 53216 6543_ _____ Yes, He Cares
- 53217 21653 56177 Wilson
- 53217 76155 54332 Belmont
- 53221 65655 67112 Carol
- 53223 44357 62543 Dana
- 53234 53171 4322_ Pass It On
- 53235 32356 76132 St. Paul's (Erskine)
- 53311 61651 1332_ Coming Home
- 53321 26212 33___ Woodland
- 53323 15555 45316 Christmas Dawn
- 53323 45332 _____ Cates
- 53323 4571_ _____ Ivory Palaces*
- 53323 55661 6655_ China
- 53332 11166 51354 Benson
- 53332 11222 32153 Bealoth
- 53332 11223 15333 Henley
- 53332 12343 56553 Throw Out the Lifeline*
- 53332 17125 44432 Without Him
- 53332 17217 62421 Rapture
- 53332 32216 55777 Precious to Me
- 53332 67121 14321 Brookfield
- 53333 21161 5____ Haven of Rest
- 53333 21313 55531 How Beautiful Heaven Must Be*
- 53333 33331 714__ Geibel
- 53333 43225 63212 Bishopgarth
- 53333 43323 42345 Carmichael
- 53334 32123 56712 Canonbury
- 53335 33351 35123 Dunbar
- 53344 55123 33212 Falls Creek
- 53351 32136 53453 Spohr (Gerald)
- 53353 21___ _____ Cobbs
- 53422 12345 54556 Swabia
- 53425 42171 _____ Crimond
- 53431 12253 43112 Robin
- 53432 17653 46767 Royal Oak
- 53435 32126 17655 St. Clement
- 53451 16716 53451 Resolution
- 53451 17617 66655 Ernan
- 53451 17712 3432_ All Saints, New
- 53451 21715 61653 St. Petersburg
- 53451 21716 16535 Wells
- 53451 23233 21712 Sewell
- 53451 23454 32___ Judas Maccabeus
- 53451 32146 _____ Resurrection (Gaither)
- 53451 32211 76535 Det Ar Ett Fast Ord
- 53451 76165 42347 Only a Sinner
- 53451 766__ _____ Coleman
- 53455 51766 55671 Rescue
- 53455 65111 12353 Work Song
- 53455 66666 55117 Sarum
- 53456 51176 65534 Boylston
- 53456 71765 34234 Chapman
- 53456 71765 56575 Wonderful Peace (Lillenas)
- 53456 71766 5____ Muskogee
- 53511 72524 43513 Brownell
- 53512 11612 32176 Malvern (Gwyllt)
- 53513 21671 53516 Orlington
- 53513 21713 25654 St. Matthew
- 53513 45625 43456 Belgrave
- 53561 54351 34321 St. Gregory
- 53565 43213 21234 Konig
- 53565 43323 22153 Dank Sei Gott In Der Hohe
- 53565 67117 23176 Ashamed of Thee*
- 53565 67117 23176 Hebron (Jude)
- 53565 67117 23176 Hebron (Mason)
- 53572 16533 45225 Segur
- 53617 65311 23565 St. Oswald
- 53651 17151 5645_ St. Anne
- 53654 43171 6432_ Capetown
- 53657 11717 65345 Durham (Williams)
- 53657 65156 16556 Camp
- 53716 17256 4323_ Thornbury
- 53721 35766 _____ Evening Prayer (Gabriel)
- 54
- 54132 13511 76565 Horeb
- 54312 32154 31232 Kings of Orient
- 54321 17512 34254 Whitford
- 54321 76431 71234 Bishopthorpe
- 54322 13562 55323 St. Columba (Irons)
- 54323 23531 67165 When They Ring Those Golden Bells
- 54332 12166 51112 Seeking for Me*
- 54332 12335 43432 Meirionydd
- 54332 13277 65223 St. Cecilia
- 54332 26654 43___ Berggren
- 54333 33234 56532 When the Mists*
- 54333 45662 23211 Munich (Beethoven)
- 54351 12176 65717 Come, Great Deliverer, Come*
- 54351 32121 61665 Welcome for Me
- 54354 31761 76___ Langley
- 54361 71432 33245 Carey's
- 54367 11767 15434 Jesu, Meine Zuversicht
- 54377 15775 53445 Freiburg
- 54512 34765 43171 King's Lynn
- 54531 17653 54531 Worthy Art Thou*
- 54532 17651 71221 Jesus, I Come
- 54534 56711 65554 Thy God Reigneth*
- 54545 17665 51354 Perez
- 54565 43344 44565 There Will I Follow Thee*
- 54565 53211 72712 Hold Thou My Hand
- 54571 76553 45432 Christ Lag in Todesbanden
- 55
- 55111 11177 11133 Ninety and Nine*
- 55111 11321 65551 The Unclouded Day
- 55111 12177 71766 Deliverance
- 55111 12332 12552 Hallelujah, 'Tis Done
- 55111 12333 32121 Where the Gates Swing Outward Never
- 55111 51233 3____ McCabe
- 55111 71266 67777 Euclid
- 55111 766__ _____ Alleluia (unknown)
- 55111 76715 67123 Trust (Sullivan)
- 55112 17121 23155 Clarendon
- 55112 177__ _____ Faith Is the Victory
- 55112 23114 32123 Harts
- 55112 23155 64253 Stuttgart
- 55112 31556 14312 Is My Name
- 55112 33221 11175 Vox Dilecti
- 55113 21233 51712 Faithful Guide
- 55117 12212 33212 Acclaim
- 55117 12234 54321 W Zlobie Lezy
- 55117 16544 35556 Coventry
- 55121 17655 64355 Miriam
- 55123 12123 34323 Louvan
- 55123 21232 15512 Fischer
- 55123 33234 54322 Bryn Calfaria
- 55123 45557 76655 Heinlein
- 55126 54353 56171 St. Fulbert
- 55131 16555 1312_ Blessed Be the Name
- 55131 21165 _____ Blessed Name
- 55131 33267 15551 Intercession (Sankey)
- 55132 16555 1312_ Evan
- 55132 66554 35432 Repose (Stainer)
- 55133 21556 11715 Chenies
- 55133 216__ _____ Higher Ground
- 55151 2321_ _____ Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah*
- 55151 23555 31255 Jesus Saves
- 55151 32255 51321 Harwell
- 55153 45556 66655 My Anchor Holds
- 55153 65551 77671 McGranahan
- 55154 32154 33215 Beverley
- 55155 44366 53212 Lux Eoi
- 55156 12321 32675 Lindisfarne
- 55165 53215 11356 Herongate
- 55171 23543 27216 Janes
- 55171 56555 55123 Ward
- 55176 5217_ _____ Fisher
- 55176 53123 32567 Attwood
- 55176 53451 567__ Sweeter as the Years Go By
- 55176 54332 14233 Weimar (Bach)
- 55176 54543 35176 Byzantium
- 55311 76543 32342 Hannah
- 55312 34565 13121 Great Physician
- 55315 55531 32223 O Worship the Lord*
- 55321 365__ _____ Are You Coming
- 55321 5____ _____ Armageddon
- 55323 21123 46543 St. Anselm
- 55332 15544 32235 Lake Enon
- 55333 11171 33223 Ariel
- 55334 322__ _____ Friend
- 55335 52234 5675_ Materna
- 55345 123__ _____ Garden
- 55345 32127 11234 Sussex Carol
- 55345 32133 45554 Song Eighteen
- 55345 32155 46534 Vater Unser
- 55345 64321 23275 Sound the Battle Cry*
- 55346 53114 56255 Lancashire
- 55351 16536 53132 Gate Ajar
- 55351 21651 55435 Paschale Gaudium
- 55351 23157 77121 My Savior's Love
- 55355 11765 54323 Stella (English)
- 55356 13321 165__ Mora Proctor
- 55364 55364 53523 Kommet Ihr Hirten
- 55365 54352 23142 Song Twenty-Two
- 55431 23114 4123_ Leila
- 55431 76665 35435 Gerald (Spohr, 1)
- 55432 11765 65434 Mornington
- 55432 12325 54321 Savannah
- 55432 15675 17123 Jesu, Meine Freude
- 55432 15712 34255 Revelation
- 55432 16551 76554 Melcombe
- 55433 21176 55565 Mueller
- 55433 21176 71143 Hiding in Thee
- 55433 21666 55543 Kirkpatrick
- 55433 23465 43___ Ville du Havre
- 55434 32114 36571 Simeon
- 55435 11271 32232 Warrington
- 55435 43234 55543 Eucharistic Hymn
- 55435 43243 16217 Goshen
- 55453 33323 55676 Only Believe
- 55454 43255 42121 Agincourt
- 55511 32131 35313 Chopin
- 55511 71232 13334 Peace
- 55512 33221 33455 Song One
- 55513 45653 44432 Heaven
- 55515 53244 42767 Rest (Bradbury)
- 55517 11332 15555 For Me
- 55517 66564 53176 Mainzer
- 55517 66627 71233 Carter
- 55531 56511 22171 Zion
- 55531 77644 42543 Beacon Hill
- 55532 31555 46544 Faben
- 55534 56551 71765 Crimson
- 55534 57615 123__ God Is Calling the Prodigal*
- 55535 13232 11216 Never Alone*
- 55535 55664 66665 O Store Gud
- 55535 61765 54535 Kenosis
- 55536 65312 35432 Glorious Name
- 55543 16534 44325 Providence
- 55543 33212 33543 Evening Prayer (Stainer)
- 55543 45657 77654 At Calvary
- 55543 46557 15754 O Mensch Sieh
- 55543 51233 321__ Battle Hymn
- 55544 33234 53222 Sebastian (Hodges)
- 55546 53123 44351 St. Christopher
- 55546 54344 41321 St. Austin
- 55551 76543 65342 Lauda Anima (Goss)
- 55553 21234 56166 Gabriel
- 55553 45671 17676 Calling Today
- 55553 51111 22211 Unsearchable Riches*
- 55553 51235 17777 McConnelsville
- 55553 54324 44426 Redeemer (Loes)
- 55555 43266 66654 Hanford (Sullivan)
- 55555 55123 22222 I am So Glad*
- 55555 55555 56666 New Orleans
- 55555 55617 65556 Whiter Than Snow
- 55555 56656 76111 Merrial
- 55555 56665 17222 Power in the Blood
- 55555 56665 32333 Dulce Domum
- 55555 56665 51125 Who Is He
- 55555 65112 1311_ Washburn
- 55555 65134 54333 Wonderful Grace
- 55555 65221 23135 St. Gertrude
- 55555 66511 62344 Rivaulx
- 55555 66655 51232 Pax Tecum
- 55555 66665 23___ Seminary
- 55555 67151 22221 Redeemed
- 55555 77775 55511 Sullivan
- 55556 11122 22433 Sweney
- 55556 51176 55555 Bohemia
- 55556 51736 55667 Albany
- 55556 71177 77712 St. Margaret
- 55556 71577 77121 Showers of Blessing
- 55556 71665 51153 Warrenton
- 55557 65453 13456 St. Paul (Wittenberg)
- 55561 65324 32354 Zephyr
- 55562 34314 35556 Limpsfield
- 55564 53223 45143 Song Five
- 55565 12176 56153 Gott Sei Gelobet Und Gebenedeiet
- 55565 123__ _____ A New Name
- 55565 31112 16___ Harvest
- 55565 32211 67117 Come to the Feast*
- 55565 35431 12344 Saved by the Blood*
- 55565 43451 1____ Promises
- 55565 51122 22123 Sheffield (Root)
- 55565 53432 17155 Rosa Mystica
- 55565 53432 171__ Es Ist Ein Ros
- 55565 54353 33333 Victory (Palestrina)
- 55565 54577 12117 Selena
- 55566 55432 32155 Nun Danket
- 55566 55511 12322 Olive's Brow
- 55566 55551 12233 Gorton
- 55567 13452 56765 Chope
- 55567 15661 765__ Lee
- 55567 17656 45351 Vexilla Regis (Parker)
- 55611 22132 16___ Holy Manna
- 55651 17123 11213 Ellers
- 55651 17223 46713 Irene
- 55651 23161 54565 Woodstock
- 55651 32123 45653 Alstone
- 55651 32176 71432 Trust (Mendelssohn)
- 55651 33215 5312_ Stockton
- 55651 72112 34653 Newbold
- 55651 76664 21715 Landas
- 55653 11651 31532 Erie
- 55653 11721 76565 Face to Face
- 55653 12167 17121 Ring the Bells
- 55653 13211 23542 Carlton
- 55653 21223 32154 Trisagion
- 55653 23217 61654 Beecher
- 55653 32255 65221 Shepherd
- 55653 45121 65565 Beautiful Walk
- 55653 45432 31556 Kremser
- 55653 51121 61656 Comforter
- 55653 56176 56721 Harris
- 55653 66154 45426 When I See the Blood
- 55654 35565 43345 Unafraid
- 55654 36532 34567 Wonders
- 55654 54322 76545 Himmel
- 55661 16355 663__ Ackley
- 55665 12335 43212 Keble
- 55665 31234 5____ Anywhere With Jesus
- 55665 33123 23423 St. Hubert
- 55665 334__ _____ He Lifted Me
- 55665 55466 55566 Christ Arose
- 55667 12155 63341 Neidlinger
- 55671 167__ _____ Amesbury
- 55671 17615 34213 Ratisbon (Werner)
- 55671 21317 65776 Song Twenty
- 55671 51252 33464 To God Be the Glory
- 55671 76511 17561 Claro Paschali Gaudio
- 56
- 56111 15712 _____ Valley
- 56111 21334 32171 Way of the Cross
- 56111 21656 12165 Hallelujah, We Shall Rise
- 56111 65___ _____ Yarmouth
- 56112 33___ _____ Peace Like a River
- 56116 13221 _____ Break Bread
- 56131 32165 51313 Amazing Grace
- 56132 15613 21352 Garden City
- 56175 12333 34321 Just As I Am
- 56511 71232 31643 Cwm Rhondda
- 56512 11716 65565 Olmutz
- 56512 33212 56512 More Love to Thee
- 56512 33432 67565 Denby
- 56512 35253 45632 Crowning Day
- 56513 26725 11326 Bullinger
- 56513 32111 17123 Mercy
- 56514 32123 46556 St. Anatolius (Brown)
- 56517 66543 45655 Any Room
- 56531 16165 56531 Whosoever
- 56531 21656 53256 Hold the Fort
- 56531 23456 11554 His Eye Is On the Sparrow
- 56531 65123 21717 Toplady
- 56532 11765 33456 Epiphany (Filby)
- 56532 12123 55651 Lundie
- 56532 17656 51232 Old-Time Power (Rader)
- 56532 17666 21712 Lower Lights
- 56534 51432 21155 Gopsal
- 56535 23455 65243 Komm Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
- 56535 44323 45432 An Wasserflussen Babylon
- 56535 54231 1253_ Release
- 56535 65322 7115_ Stille Nacht
- 56535 65567 12767 Safety
- 56543 24312 21___ Le Cantique de Simeon
- 56543 32345 35654 So Nimm Denn Hande
- 56543 42345 66555 O Lux Beata Trinitas
- 56543 45654 35567 Sicilian Mariners'
- 56543 55443 47676 Jones
- 56545 34575 34566 Ter Sanctus
- 56551 32617 65453 Peace, Be Still
- 56551 76536 65453 Ora Labora
- 56553 54434 67662 Hanford (Gabriel)
- 56565 12343 23456 Avison
- 56565 2121_ _____ Heavy Load
- 56635 44217 56165 Closer Walk
- 56653 11765 64553 Russian Hymn
- 56655 11716 55676 Evening Prayer (Stebbins)
- 56711 32125 56531 Sunlight
- 56711 75565 56713 Lyndhurst
- 56712 31556 17571 Love Found a Way
- 56712 33216 61465 Eagley
- 56712 34323 54323 Maidstone
- 56713 21432 1765_ St. Athanasius
- 56717 12335 43143 Ascendit Deus
- 57
- 57111 71221 13533 Irby
- 57154 53211 55432 Erin