Early Church Fathers - Additional Texts
Edited by Roger Pearse
These English translations are all out of copyright, but were not included in the 38 volume collection of Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Please take copies and place online elsewhere. In some cases I have felt it necessary to add an introduction to the online text. These are all placed in the public domain also -- copy freely. The texts are listed in chronological order.
The Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles, translated from Codex Bezae
Fragments from Victor of Capua
- Preface to the online edition
- ANF Title page
- Introduction
- Translation of the Greek and of the Syriac versions in parallel columns.
- Prefatory matter to the 1891 translation
- Introduction to the 1891 translation
- Translation from the Syriac (1891)
- [Selected] Notes on the Syriac Version (1891)
- Appendix: The remains of the original Greek of the Apology of Aristides by J.Armitage Robinson (1891) [Extracts]
The Proof of the Apostolic Preaching
Derision of Gentile Philosophers
The "Marcionite" prologues to St. Paul's Letters
The "Anti-Marcionite" prologues to the Gospels
- Book 1 - translation from Petermann's modern Latin translation
- Introduction by Robert Bedrosian
- Book 1 - translation direct from Armenian
Contra Hieroclem (Against Hierocles)
Demonstratio Evangelica (The Proof of the Gospel)
The History of the Martyrs in Palestine
Onomasticon (Concerning the Place Names in Sacred Scripture)
- Introduction (pp.i-xl)
- Translation (pp.1-75)
- Notes (pp.76-252).
- Appendices (pp.253-280)
Praeparatio Evangelica (The Preparation of the Gospel)
Epitome of the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius, by Photius; with fragments from the Suda.
St. Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion and Bardaisan.
Transcribed from the Palimpsest B.M. Add. 14623 by the late C. W. MITCHELL, M.A., C.F.
- Introduction to volume 1 (1912)
- Discourse to Hypatius I
- Discourse to Hypatius II
- Discourse to Hypatius III
- Discourse to Hypatius IV
- Discourse to Hypatius V
- Introduction to volume 2 (1921)
- Against Bardaisan's "Domnus"
- Against Marcion I
- Against Marcion II
- Against Marcion III
- Stanzas Against Bardaisan
- On Virginity
- Against Mani
- Introduction by F.C.Burkitt.
- Introduction to the online edition
- Part 1: title page and dedication
- Part 2: images of the personifications of the cities of Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople and Trier
- Part 3: images of the emperors and the birthdays of the Caesars
- Part 4: images of the seven planets with a calendar of the hours
- Part 5: the signs of the zodiac
- Part 6: the Philocalian calendar
- Part 7: portraits of the emperors
- Part 8: list (fasti) of the consuls to 354 AD
- Part 9: the dates of Easter from 312 AD to 411 AD
- Part 10: list of the prefects of the city of Rome from 254 to 354 AD
- Part 11: commemoration dates of past popes from 255 to 352 AD
- Part 12: commemoration dates of the martyrs
- Part 13: bishops of Rome
- Part 14: The 14 regions of the City
- Part 15: Book of generations
- Part 16: Chronicle of the City of Rome
Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature
Two Invectives Against Julian
Sermons on Matthew
Weights and Measures
On the ruin of the city of Jerusalem
Four Discourses, chiefly on the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Enchiridion: On Faith, Hope and Love
Prologue to the Commentary on Acts
Commentary on the Nicene Creed
Commentary on the Lord's Prayer, Baptism and the Eucharist
Five tomes against Nestorius (Adversus Nestorii blasphemias)
That Christ is One (Quod unus sit Christus)
Scholia on the incarnation of the Only-Begotten (Scholia de incarnatione Unigeniti)
Against Diodore of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsuestia (fragments)
Against the synousiasts (fragments)
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke
Commentary on the Gospel of John
Dialogue on the life of St. John Chrysostom
Chronicle composed in Syriac in A.D.507
Some patristic testimonia from Irenaeus, Athanasius, and Dionysius of Alexandria
A collection of letters from numerous Syriac manuscripts
The Chronicle of Edessa
Ecclesiastical History, Third Part
The Chronicle of Arbela
The Whitby Life of St. Gregory
English translation (extracts)
On Easter
On Christmas
The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614
Homily on the siege of Constantinople in 626 AD
Continuation of the Chronicle of Eusebius
Apology for Christianity, to the Caliph Al-Mahdi
A Syriac Fragment: Chronicle 754-813AD
The Bibliotheca or Myriobiblion
- List of all codices
- Preface to the online edition
- Preface to SPCK edition
- Codices 1-165 (500kb). [The remaining parts of Photius are held only on the master site as they are in copyright].
- The "Sic et Non" of Stephanus Gobarus, from codex 232. By Adolf von Harnack.
Commentary on Revelation
- British Museum ---- Manuscripts from the Egyptian Monasteries (Quarterly Review 77, 1845-6).
- William Cureton's Introduction to the Editio Princeps of the Festal Letters of St. Athanasius (1848)
- A list of all the volumes in the Oxford Movement 'Library of the Fathers' series.
- A list of older volumes in the Patrologia Syriaca and Patrologia Orientalis series, with links to scanned texts.
- J.M.Harden, An Introduction to Ethiopic Christian Literature
- The introduction from a grammar of modern Syriac published in 1856
- Appeals for money for copying mss by the Urmiah library in 1890
- A list of Arabic Christian writers
- A Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the Library of the Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem
- How to number the letters of Isidore of Pelusium
Some Late Nestorian Syriac Writers
- Preface to the online edition
- Title page, dedication, note
- Preface
- Bardesan -- Book of the Laws of the Countries / The Dialogue on Fate
- Jacob the Persian Philosopher -- Extract on Bardesan
- Ps.-Melito of Sardis -- Apology
- Syriac fragments of Melito
- Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History (Syriac), book 4 (extract)
- Ambrose, Hypomnemata
- The epistle of Mara, son of Serapion
- Works by Rev. W. Cureton
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles
- Title page, Preface
- The history of John, the son of Zebedee, the apostle and evangelist
- An account of the decease of Saint John, the apostle and evangelist
- The history of Philip, the apostle and evangelist
- The history of Mar Matthew and Mar Andrew, the blessed apostles
- The history of Thecla, the disciple of Paul the apostle
- The acts of Judas Thomas (or, the twin), the apostle
Legends of Eastern Saints, chiefly from Syriac sources -- the Legend of Hilaria
Severus of Al'Ashmunein (Hermopolis): History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria
Miscellaneous Arabic Christian texts
- John ibn Saba, The Precious Pearl, on ecclesiastical knowledge. (extract)
- Severus of al-Ashmunein, An unpublished fragment of the "Book of the Councils" from Cairo Coptic Museum Ms. Theol. 196, ff.268v-270v
- A first translation of Mingana Ms. Syr. 481, ff.221v-225v (2007) -- pagan prophecies of Christ
- Ms. Syr. 142, ff.48a-61b -- pagan prophecies of Christ
- Gerasimos, Apology (extract) -- another collection of such prophecies
- Abu al-Majdalus, Commentary on the Nicene Creed -- 10th century text which includes pagan prophecies.
- An unpublished Syriac version of the life of Shenouda
Twenty theological and philosophical treatises edited by Paul Sbath
- Preface to the online edition
- 15. Yahya ibn Adi - On the Truth of the Gospel by Way of Reasoning from Proofs
- 16. Yahya ibn Adi - On the Differences in the Expressions in the Gospels and their Meanings
- 17. Yahya ibn Adi - On our saying “and became incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary”
- 18. Abu al-Khayr ibn al-Tayyib - Refutation of the Muslims who accuse the Christians of Believing in Three Gods
- 19. Abu al-Faraj `Abdallah ibn al-Tayyib - On Knowledge and Miracles
- 20.1 Hunain ibn Ishaq - On How to Discern the Truth of Religion
Miscellaneous Syriac and Coptic texts
- Ps.John Chrysostom, Encomium on Elijah
- A Fragment of a Coptic Version of Saint Ephraim's Discourse on the Transfiguration of our Lord.
- The Coptic Martyrdom of Isaac of Tiphre, written ca. 399 AD
- Some Apocryphal Psalms in Syriac
- The Apocalypse of Abraham. From a Romanian version.
- The Coptic Apocalypse of Daniel.
- The Apocalypse of Samuel of Kalamoun - introduction
- The Apocalypse of Samuel of Kalamoun - translation
Miscellaneous other texts
Lives of the Eminent Commanders
On the public shows of Domitian
Epitome of the Phillipic History of Pompeius Trogus
- List of works by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie.
Sentences (Sententiae ad intelligibilia ducentes)
Introduction to Aristotle's categories of logic (Isagoge)
On abstinence from animal food (De Abstinentia)
On the Cave of the Nymphs (De Antro Nympharum)
On the faculties of the soul (fragment)
Letter to his wife, Marcella (Ad Marcellam)
Sixteen Letters to Julian the Apostate
Monody ---- Funeral Oration for Julian the Apostate
Monody ---- For the temple of Apollo at Daphne, destroyed by fire
Monody ---- For Nicomedia, destroyed by an earthquake
Oration 30 ---- On behalf of the temples (Pro Templis)
Abridgment of Roman History / Historiae Romanae Breviarium ab urbe condita
Lives of the philosophers and sophists
Origin of the Roman People / Origo Gentis Romanae
Commentary on the Chaldaean Oracles (fragments from Psellus)
Greek text is rendered using unicode fonts.
Constructive feedback is welcomed to Roger Pearse.
[Master copy at tertullian.org]