


The beginning is as at Nocturns on Sundays. Vide page 45. Though usually this Service is subjoined to Matins, and is begun immediately with, O come let us worship.... thrice.

Psalms 5, 89 (90) and 100 (101).

Glory. Both now. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to thee, O God, thrice. Lord, have mercy, thrice. Glory. The Troparion of the Day. Both now.

0138=108-2.jpgHAT shall we call thee, O full of grace? Heaven? for from thee the Sun of righteousness arose. Paradise? for in thee bloomed the flower of immortality. Virgin? for thou didst remain undefiled. Pure Mother? for in thy holy arms was held the God of all things, even thy Son. Him do thou pray to save our souls. Then,


ORDER my steps according to thy word, and let not all transgression have dominion over me.

Deliver me from the wrongful dealings of men, and I will keep thy commandments.

Cause thy face to shine upon thy servant, and teach me thy statutes.

Let my mouth be filled with thy praise, O Lord, that I may sing of thy glory and majesty all the day long.

In the fasting time, or when Alleluia is sung at Matins instead of The Lord is God, the following is said instead of the Troparion of the Day.

Priest. In the morning hearken unto my voice, my King and my God.

The First Choir repeateth the verse.

Priest. Give ear unto my words, O Lord, understand my cry.

Second Choir. In the morning hearken....

Priest. For unto thee, O Lord, will I pray.

First Choir. In the morning hearken....

Priest. Glory. Reader. Both now. What shall we call thee ....

Then shall they sing antiphonally,

Order my steps ....

Trisagion, &c. After Our Father, the Condakion of the Day.


But in the fasting time, the following Troparia instead of the Condakion.

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

LET us with heart and lips for ever praise the glorious Mother of God, who is holier than the holy Angels, confessing her God-bearing, for she verily brought forth the incarnate God, and she prayeth without ceasing for our souls.

On Wednesday and Friday. Make haste to help us, O Christ our God, before we are enslaved by enemies, who blaspheme thee and threaten us. Destroy by thy Cross them that fight against us, that they may know how much availeth the faith of the right-believers, through the prayers of the Mother of God, O only Lover of men.

On Saturday. To thee, O Lord, the Author of creation, the world bringeth the God-bearing Martyrs as the first-fruits of nature. At their intercessions, through the Mother of God, preserve, O most Merciful One, thy Church and thine estate in perfect peace.

Lord, have mercy, forty times.

The Prayer. Thou that in all times .... Vide page 76. Lord, have mercy, thrice. Glory. Both now. The more honourable ....


In the name of the Lord, father, give the blessing.

Priest. God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and shine the light of his countenance upon us, and have mercy upon us.

Reader. Amen. And saith the closing Prayer. [Here in the Fasts is said the Prayer of S. Ephrem.]

The closing Prayer.

0141=111-1.jpgHRIST, the true Light which enlighteneth and sanctifieth every man that cometh into the world; let the light of thy countenance be shewed upon us, that in it we may behold the unapproachable light. And make straight our goings to the doing of thy commandments. Through the prayers of thy most pure Mother, and of all the Saints. Amen.

[On Sundays and Festivals the Priest readeth the closing Prayer, and ivimediately the Choir singeth,

TO thee, O Virgin, the chosen guide, thy servants sing a triumphal song, ascribing thanks to thee for the deliverance from evils, and, since thou hast an invincible might, deliver us, we pray thee, from every ill, that we may cry unto thee, Hail! O unmarried Bride.]


Glory. Both now. Lord, have mercy, thrice. Give the blessing.

Priest. Christ our true God, through the prayers of his all-pure Mother, of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostles, of Saint N., whose memory we this day celebrate, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us,, for he is good and the Lover of men.

Reader. Amen. Or, Lord, have mercy, thrice.





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