

AN index is not a concordance. It is a guide to the matter contained in the work to which it is appended, a finding list by means of which the resources of scholarship afforded by that work may be quickly and fully utilized by the reader. To that end entries which register only passages where information is to be found on the topics suggested by the entries are the desideratum. Those which record the mere occurrence of a word, or of the name of a place or person, without some increment of knowledge in the passage to which reference is made, are usually worse than useless. They involve the consultant of the work in a compensationless expenditure of time, to say nothing of the inconvenience and impatience they cause, and of the increased cost to the purchaser. A "full" index is not infrequently a vexation and a snare, compelling the reader to turn to numbers of passages only to be disappointed by their emptiness in meaning for the particular subject under investigation. Accordingly the aim of the compiler of this index has been to make available, with the least possible expenditure of time to the reader, whatever treasures of knowledge are contained in THE NEW SCHAFF-HERZOG ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE. It is hoped that each reference leads to light on some phase of the subject indicated by the entry.

Index entries printed in SMALL CAPITALS reproduce vocabulary titles in the text; those in Roman type do not occur as vocabulary titles in the text. In alphabetizing a series of entries under a comprehensive subject, like that under Augustine, Saint, of Hippo, particles of speech (prepositions and conjunctions) are disregarded, and the entries are arranged alphabetically under the first significant word (noun and adjective)

The Bibliographical Appendix is given in response to numerous requests, and brings the literature down to April 1, 1914.

It is a source of profound sorrow to the associate editor that the lamented editor-in-chief did not live to see the completion of the index to the work to which he contributed the results of his catholic learning, deep enthusiasm, and warm piety. Dr. Jackson's labors on this work were inspired by love and loyalty--love for the diffusion of pure and useful theological learning, and loyalty to Dr. Schaff, the teacher and associate whose name he caused to be retained in the title. Dr. Jackson's entire manhood was devoted, for the most part gratuitously, to the development of theological science, particularly on its historical side. He brought to the direction of this Encyclopedia, his final work, a ripe experience, a broad charity for opinions contrary to his own, and a catholic and tolerant spirit that made collaboration with him ever a delight and never a task.



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