
GERNLER, garn'ler, LUKAS: Swiss Reformer; b. at Basel Aug. 19, 1625; d. there Feb. 9, 1675. After completing his theological studies at the age of twenty, he visited Geneva, and then made a tour of France, England, Holland, and Germany. On his return to Basel in 1649, he was appointed deacon in general for all the churches of the city, and in 1653 was made archdeacon (assistant pastor) at the cathedral, becoming president and first pastor three years later. At the same time he was appointed professor of polemics and the encyclopedia of theology, a position which he exchanged for a professorship of the Old Testament in 1665. His opposition to the overtures of John Durie (q.v.) for union resulted in their rejection in 1662 and 1666, and his hostility toward the theology of Saumur was equally marked. He was the chief author of the Syllabus controversiarum, which appeared at Basel in 1662, and prepared the way for the Helvetic Consensus Formula.. His theological writings are of minor importance, though several collections of his sermons have been published. He induced the council to erect an orphan asylum in Basel, and in 1666 edited the Agenda in a form which remained unchanged for the Church of Basel until 1826. Under the title of Antiquttates Gernleriance be published a collection of documents which are one of


the chief sources for a knowledge of the Reformation in Bawl.

(R. Stähelin.)

Bibliography: Athena liauricm. pp. 48-x. Basel, 1778; K. R. Hageabach, Geschichte . . . der eaten Basler Confession, pp. 187 sqq.,Basel. 1827: idem. Die tAeoZopdache 3chude Basels and Are Lehrar, iv. 31-32, ib. 1880; ADB, ix. 37.

GEROK, g6-r&', KARL: German preacher and poet; b. at Vaihingen-on-theEnz (lb m. n.w. of Stuttgart), Württemberg, Jan.30,1815; d. at Stuttgart Jan. 14, 1890. His father removed to Stuttgart a few weeks after the birth of his son, and there Karl Gerok spent most of his life. As his father and both grandfathers were clergymen, the ministry was his natural vocation. He was educated at thegymnasium of Stuttgartand in 1832 entered the University of Tübingen, where he studied diligently Hegel's philosophy and Schleiermacher'stheology. In 1837 he became his father's vicar in Stuttgart. From 1840 till 1843 he was tutor in Tübingen. In 1844 he became deacon in BSblingen (about 9 miles from Stuttgart), where he had leisure to write numerous treatises and essays for periodicals. In 1849 he became deacon in the Spitalkirche of Stuttgart, in 1851 in the Stfftskirche. In 1852 he was appointed archdeacon in thesame church and dean of the country diocese. In 1862 he became preacher of the Spitalkircheand dean of the town diocese. From 1868 until his death he was court preacher and member of the consistory with the title and rank of prelate. Apart from his activity as pastor and preacher, he held offices as president or member in numerous committees and societies.

Gerokwas a man in whom the culture of his time and Christian truth stood in living connection. To the harmony of his nature corresponded the mildness of his judgment in regard to others; even in the fall he was able to discover the weak germs of goodness. His sermons were built upon the moral basis of diligence and faithfulness. Although he carefully elaborated and memorized them, they were plain and simple, yet full of life and color. They had always a practical relation to life, and their form and contents were aided by a solemn and edifying delivery that inspired esteem for Christianity even in worldly people. As a poet, Gerok educated his taste by studying the great classics. He kept his productions secret until his mature age, and it was only in his fortieth year that his first poem was published. His poetry had its root in the word of the Bible, and all subjects which he treated-history, the fatherland, and nature-are transfigured by the light of a Christian view of the world. He was essentially a lyric poet. His collections of poems appeared under the titles Palmblatter (Stuttgart, 1857; Eng. transl.,Palm Leaves, London, 1885); Pfingstrosen (Gütersloh, 1864); Blumen oral Sterns (Stuttgart, 1868); Deutsche 0 stern (1871); Auf einsamen Gdngen (1878 ); Der letzte Strauss (1884); UTbter dxm Abendstern (1886 ); Christkind (1887). He published also several volumes of sermons, and Von Jerusalem naeh Rom (Stuttgart, 186k3), Bible studies on the Acts of the Apostles. His "HomileticalSuggestions" to G. V. Lechler's Acts of the Apostles in Lange's Commentary (Bielefeld, 1861)

may also be mentioned.

(H. Mosapp. .)

Bibliography: : In the first place as a source stands Gerok's Jupanderinnerungen, Laipsic, 1898. Consult: H. Moeapp. Karl li'erok, sin Bild seines Lebena and Wirkena, Stuttgart, 1$90; idem. Karl Gerok in seiner Wirkaamkeit für den Ouataro-Adolt-Verein, Barmen, 1890: F. Braun, ErinrMrungen an Karl (ierok, Leipsic, 1891; G. Gerok, Karl l3erok, sin Lebenebild aus seinen Briejen and Aufzeichnungen, Stuttgart, 1892.


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