
GILLETT, EZRA HALL: American Presby terian; b. at Colchester, Conn., July 15, 1823; d. in New York City Sept. 2, 1875. He was graduated from Yale in 1841, and from the Union Theological Seminary in 1844. He was pastor of a Presby terian church in Harlem (New York City) from 1844 to 1868, when he became professor of political economy, ethics, and history in New York Univer sity. Besides numerous articles in the American Theological Review, the Presbyterian Quarterly, the Historical Magazine, and other periodicals, his publications include, The Life and Times of John Huss (2 vols., Boston, 1861); History of the Pres byterian Church in the United States (2 vols., Phila delphia, 1864); God in ,Human Thought (2 vols., New York, 1874); and The Moral System (1874).

GILLIN, JOHN LEWIS: Dunker; b. near Hudson, Ia., Oct. 12, 1871. He studied at Upper Iowa University, Fayette, Ia. (Lit.B., 1894), Iowa College, Grinnell, Ia. (B.A., 1895), Union Theological Seminary (B.D., 1904), and Columbia University (Ph.D., 1906). From 1895 to 1901 he was pastor of the Brethren church at Waterloo, Ia., and since 1905 has been connected with Ashland College, Ashland, O., first as professor of church history and social sciences (1905-06), later as president (since 1906). He was also moderator of the General Conference of his denomination in 1904-06. In theology he is, "in general terms, a modified Ritschlian," and has written The Dunkers ; A Sociological Interpretation (New York, 1906).


GILMORE, gil'mbr, GEORGE WILLIAM: Congregationalist; b. in London May 12,1857. He was educated at Princeton University (A.B., 1883) and Union Theological Seminary (1886), and in 1886 was appointed by the United States Commissioner of Education, at the request of the king of Korea, to found the Royal Korean College at Seoul, Korea. He remained in Korea with that institution until 1889, and after his return to the United States taught in the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and in private schools till 1893. He was then succes sively instructor in English Bible (1893-95) and professor of Biblical history and lecturer on com parative religion (1895-99) in Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me., after which he was pro fessor of Old Testament language and literature and the history of religion in Meadville Theo logical School from 1899 to 1906. Since 1905 he has been a member of the editorial staff of the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, to which he has contributed the main portion of its bibliography and numerous articles, especially on comparative religion. In addition to many studies in scientific and theological periodicals and book reviews on 01d Testament subjects and comparative religion, he has written Korea from, its Capital (Philadelphia, 1892) and The Johannean Problem (1895), and has compiled Literature of Theology (under the editorship of Bishop J. F. Hurst; New York, 1896).


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