

YAHBALAHA, ya-bal'd-ha (YABHALLAHA), III. Nestorian patriarch 1281-1317. The name (=Deusdedit, Theodore) is not uncommon among the Syrians and was borne by the eighteenth and the seventy-seventh patriarchs of Antioch (c. 489 and 1233). The best known of the name, however, is Yahbalaha III., with whom Bar Hebraeus closes his church history. He was a Uigurian monk, born near Peking, and died Nov. 13, 1317. He started on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but when he came to Bagdad remained there with the Patriarch Denha, who made him metropolitan of China because of his relations with the khan of the Mongols. For the same reason he succeeded Denha as patriarch, though he was poor in Syriac learning. His companion from China, Rabban Sauma, was sent by Khan Argun in 1287-88 to Rome, Paris, and London. The original description of this embassy, ed. P. Bedjan, was published at Paris, 1888 (better ed., 1895), and has been translated by J. B. Chabot (in Revue de l'orient latin, i. ii., and separately, Paris, 1895). A translation into modern Syriac appeared at Urumiah in the periodical Zahrire de Bahra, Oct., 1885-May, 1886.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: I. H. Hall, in Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1886, pp. clxxxi. sqq.; idem, in Proceedings of the American Oriental Society, 1886, pp. cxxv.-cxxix.; Lamy, in Memoires of the Academic royals de Belgique, 1889, 223-243; R. Duval, in JA, 8th ser., xiii. 313-354; W. Wright, Short Hist. of Syriac Literature, London, 1894; R. Hilgenfeld, Jabalahce 111., Catholici Nestoriani vita ex Slivo Mossulani libro, Leipsic, 1896; R. Gottheil, in He braica, xiii (1897), 222-223, 227-229; R. Duval, Liltera ture syriaque, Paris, 1899; Supplement h Mist. du patri arche Mar Jabalaha et du moine Rabban Cauna, Paris, 1900. Older sources are 0. Raynaldus, Annales ecclesiastici for year 1304, vol. xiv., vols. xiii.-xxi., Cologne, 1694-1727; J. S. Assemani, Bibliotheca orientalis, iii. 2, pp. 129 sqq., Rome, 1719-28; Gregory Bar Hebrwus, Chronicon eccle siasticum, ii. 471.


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