

See Torquemada, Juan de.

TURRETTINI, tur"rê-tî'nî (TURRETIN):

A family of Geneva theologians, whose founder, Francesco Turrettini, left his native Lucca in 1574 and settled in Geneva in 1592.

1. Benedict:

Son of Francesco; b. in Zurich 1588; d. at Geneva Mar. 4, 1631. He became pastor and professor of theology at Geneva in 1612. In 1620 he was a delegate to the national synod of Alais, which introduced the results of the Synod of Dort into France. In the following year he was


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(1846); Letters to Dr. Horace Bushnell (1847-48), and the posthumous Lectures on Theology, with Memoir by N. Gale (Boston, 1859). His style is forcible and clear, and his matter always manifests the old Puritan faith in a personal God of holiness.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: See NEW ENGLAND THEOLOGY, v., � 1, and consult: the Memoir by N. Gale, ut sup.; E. A. Lawrence, in New Englander, 1859; A. H. Quint, in Congregational Quarterly, 1860; A. E. Dunning, Congregationalists in America, pp. 312, 388, New York, 1894; W. Walker, in American Church History Series, iii. 358-381, 366, New York, 1894; idem, New England Leaders, pp. 400-436, New York, 1901; F. H. Foster, New England Theology, pp. 386-393, Chicago, 1907.


English Baptist; b. at Westminster, London, Jan. 5, 1842. He was educated at Regent's Park College, London. He held Baptist pastorates at Berwick-on-Tweed (1865-68), Accrington (1868-69), and Downs Chapel, Clapton, London (1869-91). From 1891 until his retirement from active life in 1904 he was president and professor of theology in Rawdon College, Leeds. He was Angus lecturer in Regent's Park College in 1903, and has written The Mystery of God (London, 1885), the essay on "Christian Theism" in The Ancient Faith in Modern Light (Edinburgh, 1897); The Christian Idea of Atonement (London, 1904); and The Private Relationships of Christ (1907).


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