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Psychic Forces, Boston, 1907; C. M. Lane. The Theory of Spiritualism, St. Louis. 1907; W. N. Wilson, Theocosmia: the Spirit World explored, London, 1907; W. F. Barrett, On the Threshold of a New World of Thought. An Examination of the Phenomena of Spiritualism, ib. 1908; H. Carrington, The Psychical Phenomena of Spiritualism, Fraudulent and Genuine, ib. 1908: G. Delaune, Evidence for a Future Life, ib. 1908; J. Robertson, Spiritualism: the open Door to the unseen Universe, ib. 1908; C. Lombroso, After Death-What? ib. 1909; Sir Oliver Lodge. The Survival of Man, ib. 1910; Amy Eliza Tanner, Studies in Spiritism, New York, 1910 (a thoroughgoing review of the recent phenomena of Spiritism, with decidedly adverse decision); T. Flournoy, Esprits et mediums, Paris, 1911; the literature under PSYCHICAL RESEARCH AND THE: FIJTORE LIFE.


SPITTA, spit'd, FRIEDRICH ADOLF WILHELM: German Protestant, son of Karl Johann Philipp Sputa (q.v.); b. at Wittingen (35 m. n.e. of Brunswick), Hanover, Jan. 10, 1852. He was educated at the universities of Gottingen and Erlangen (1871-75); was teacher in the high school at Hanover (1876-77); inspector of the Tholuck Seminary at Halle (1877-79); assistant pastor at Bonn (1879-81), and pastor at Ober-Kassel, near Bonn (1881-87); privatrdocent for Evangelical theology at the University of Bonn (1880-87); and went to Strasburg as professor of New-Testament exegesis and practical theology, as well as university preacher (1887). Besides editing the Monatsschrift fur Gottesdienst and kirchliche Kunst since 1896, he has written:

Der Brie) des Julius A frieanua an Aristides (Halle, 1877); Die Liturgiache Andacht am LutherJubil&um (1883); Der Knabe Jesus, eine biblische Geschichte oral ihre apokryphiachen Entste.LLungen (1883); Luther and die evangeliache Gotteadienst (1884); Der xweite Brie) des Petrus and der Brie) des Judas (1885); Die Passionen~nach den vier Evangelisten von Heinrich Schiitz (Leipsic, 1886); Heinrich Schiitx, sein Leben and seine Kunst (Hildburgh, 1886); Predigten (3 vols., Bonn and Strasburg, 1886-99); Drei kirchliehe Featspiele far Weinachten, Ostern and Pfcngsten (Strasburg, 1889); Die O$enbarung des Johannes unteraucht (Halle, 1889); Christi Predigt an die Geister der Unterwelt (GSttingen, 1890); Zur Reform des eaangelischen Kultus (1891); Die Apoatelgeachichte, ihre Quellen and deren geschichtlicher Wert (Halle, 1891); Zur Geschichte and Literatur des Urchriatentuma (3 vole., Gbttin gen,1893-1907); Der EntwurfderPreusaiachenABende(1893); Verleidigung des Preussischen Agendenerctwurjea (1894); Do$ Gesangbuch fur die evangelischen Gemeinden von ElsaaaLothringen kritisch beleuchtet (Strasburg, 1894); Gotteadienat and Kunst (1895); Ludwig Sehdberleena musica sacra flit Kirchenchore (Gottingen, 1895 ); Der Brief des Jakobua unlersucht (1896), J. Zuricks Gebete and Lieder filr die Jugend (1901); Untersuchungen fiber den Brief des Paulus an die Rtimer (1901); Muaik and KunatpJlege auf dem Land (Berlin, 1902); Das Magnificat ein Psalm der Maria and nicht der Elisabeth (Tiibingen, 1902); Die Kelchbewegung in Deutschland and die Reform der AbendmahlsJeier (Gottingen, 1904); Die Konstanzer Liederdichter (Hamburg. 1904); " Ein fester Burp ist onset Goth" die Lieder Lathers in ihrer Bedeutureg fur daa evangeliache Kirchenlied (G6ttingen, 1905): Streitfragen der Geschichte Jesu (1907); Das Testament Hiobs and das Neue Testament (1907): Jesus and die Heidenmission (Giessen, 1909); Das Johannea-Evangelium ale Quelle der Geachichte Jesu (GSttingen, 1910); and BeitrBge xur Frape each der geiatlichen Dichtung des Herzoga Albrecht von Preussen (KSnigsberg, 1910).

SPITTA, EARL JOHANN PHILLIPP: German Lutheran hymn-writer; b. at Hanover Aug. 1 (or July 31), 1801; d. at Burgdorf (13 m. s. of Celle) Sept. 28, 1859, He was educated at the University of Gottingen (1821-24), though he there devoted more attention to poetry and music than to theol-

8pirituali6m Spittler

ogy, as is shown by his anonymous Sangbiichlein der Liebe fur Handwerksleute (Clottingen, 1824). In 1824 he became a private tutor at Lime, near Liineburg, where true religion wa:; for the first time roused within him, and during his residence here the greater and better portion of his hymns were composed. From 1828 to 1830 he was curate at Sudwalde, and from 1830 to 1F27 was military and prison chaplain at Hameln, where, despite rationalistic opposition, he succeeded in reviving religious life and in gaining the esteem of both ecclesiastical and military authorities. In 1837-47 Spitta was pastor at Wechold, near I3:oya, where he again succeeded in reviving interest in religion, as he also did while stationed as superintendent at Wittingen (1847-53). At Peine, on the other hand, where he was pastor in 1853-59, religious life was too dead for him to achieve any great results. In 1859 he went as superintendent to Burgdorf, but died suddenly within the year.

The attitude of Spitta was distinctly one of de vout Lutheran orthodoxy, filled with deep religious conviction, but absolutely free from sectarianism and fanaticism. At the same time his fidelity to Luther's teachings rendered it, impossible for him to accept calls to the unionistio congregations of Barmen (1844) and Elberfeld (1.846). He published anonymously two volumes of Biblische Andachte>a (Halle, 1836-39), but his chief fame was attained by the phenomenal success of his Psalter ztnd Harfe (2 set., Pirna and Leipsic, 1833-43, and in innumer able editions since, e.g., Gotha, 1890, Halle, 1901; Eng. transl., by R. Massie, " Lyra Domestics," 2 set., London, 1860-64, and in part by Lady E. A. Durand, " Imitations from the German of Spitta and Tersteegen," 1873). [A large number of his hymns have been rendered into English; cf. Julian, Hymnology, pp. 1075-80.J Aftsr his death a further collection of his hymns was published under the title Nachgelassene geistliehe Lieder (Leipsie, 1861), and later still his Lie.3er aus der Jugendzeit appeared (ed. Peters, 1898). (WILHELM NELLE.) BIBLIOGRAPHY: The one biography is by K. K. Mfinkel,

Leipaic. 1881, 2d ed., with notes by O. Me,ier, 1892, with which should be compared the biographical sketch in L. Spitta's ed. of the Psalter and HarJe, pp. i.-exxxvi., Goths, 1890. Consult further: E. E. Koch, Geschichte des Kirchenliedea, vii. 232 sqq., Stuttgart, 1872; S. W. Duffield, English Hymns, pp. 239-241, 149, 426, New York, 1886; W. Nelle, Philipp S;rilta, ein Gedenkbiichlein, Berlin, 1901; idem., Geschichte des deulschen evangelischen Kirchenlieda, 2d ed., Hamburg, 1909; and Julian, Hymn.ology, pp. 107580.

SPITTLER, spit'ler, CHRI13TIAN FRIEDRICH: German Lutheran layman distinguished for his services in behalf of missions; b. at Wimsheim (a village of Wurttemberg near heonberg, 8 m. w.n.w. of Stuttgart) Apr. 12, 1782; d. at Basel Dec. 8, 1867. After a brief trial of th~- revenue and administrative service (179fr1800), lie was called, in 1801, to Basel as assistant in the Chi -istentumsgesellschaft (See CHRI$TENTUM$GEHELLSCHAFT, DIE DEUTSCHE), where he kept the books and conducted the correspondence both of this society and of the Bible and tract society which it soon established. In 1807 all secretarial work was placed in his hands, and in the following year he received the official appointment