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1884), in subsequent editions growing greatly in size, comprehensiveness, and completeness. His general attitude had some connections with the Tiibingen school, but was much more conservative. His Bibliotheca. Novi Testamenti Grmci (1872) is the result of twenty-years of unremitting toil. His work as a teacher was no less effective than his literary labors, fitting his teachings to the needs of his students, and eschewing the merely pedantic, and he lectured in both French and German. The results of his first lectures in French was a demand for the printing of his work, and this ended in his Hist. de la tUologie chr6tienne au sibcle apostolique (2 vols., Strasburg, 1852; Eng. transl., Hiat. of Christian Theology in the Apostolic Age, 2 vols., London, 1872-74). Other works which may be noted are Die johanneische Theologie (Jena, 1847); Hist. du canon des saintes tscritures dana l'6glise chrdienne (Paris, 1863; Eng. transl., Hist. of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Church, Edinburgh, 1884); La Bible, traduction nouvelle avec introductions et commentaires (16 vols., Paris, 1874-81); Notitia codicis quatuor evangeliorum Graaci (Cambridge, 1889) ; and a large number of luminous contributions to the Revue de thhologie (1850-67) and to other periodicals. He also collaborated in the complete edition of Calvin's works (see CALVIN, JOHN, Bibliography), for which he furnished the prolegomena.

BIHLIOGBAMY: Reuse' correspondence, ed. K. Budde and H. J. Holtzmann, appeared at Giessen, 1904. Consult: T. Gerald, Eduard Reuss, 1804-91, Strasburg, 1892; idem, Edouard Reuss. Notice biopraphique, Paris, 1897; A. Grots, in Vie chr&ienne, May, 1891; H. Holtzmann, in Protestantische Kirchenzeitung, 1891, pp. 38593; P. Lobstein, in Evanpile et libert6, 1891, nos. 20-23; idem, in Revue chri!tienne, viii (1891), 481-487; J. H. W. Stuckenberg, in Homiletic Review, xxiii (1892), 8182; C. A. Briggs, General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture, passim, New York, 1899; Vigouroux, Dictionnaire, fasc. xxxiv. 1079-1080.

REUTER, rei'ter, HERMANN FERDINAlWD: German Lutheran; b. at Hildesheim Aug. 30, 1817; d. at Kreiensen (35 m. s.w. of Brunswick) Sept. 17, 1889. He was educated at the universities of Gottingen (1837-38) and Berlin (1838-40), and in 1843, after having published his De erroribus qui wtate media doctrinam christianam de sancta eucharistia turpaverunt (Berlin, 1840) and Johannes -von Salisbury: zur Geschichte der christluhen Wissenschaft (1842), he began as privat-docent his lectures at Berlin, which were eventually to range over the entire domain of the historical theology of the time. In 1845 he published at Berlin the first volume of his Geschichte Alexander des Dritten and seiner Zeit, which he later entirely rewrote (3 vols., Berlin, 1860-64). In 1852 he became associate professor at Breslau, where he lectured primarily on church history, though he also gave courses in systematic theology-, During this period, besides editing the Allgemeines Repertorium fiir die theologische Litteratur, of which he was the head from 1845 to 1860, he published ln's Abhandlungen zur syslematischen Theologie (Berlin, 1855). Immediately after the publication of this collection Reuter was called to Greifswald as professor of theology. He now began to restrict himself more and more to symbolics, the results being shown in his Ueber die

fenthumlichkeit der aittlichen Tendenz des Protestaatismus im Verh&tnis zum Katholizismus (Greifswald, 1869).

In 1866 Reuter returned to Breslau as professor of church history. Pursuing the theme already begun in his history of Alexander III., he wrote his Geschiehte der religifen Aufkldrurug im Mittelalter vom Ende des achten Jahrhunderts bis zum Anfang des vierzehaten (2 vols., Berlin, 1875-77). In 1876 he was called to Gbttingen as the successor of Duneker. Here he was appointed abbot of Bursfelde in 1881, having been a consistorial councilor at Breslau since 1869. In 1887 he issued his Augustinische Studien (Goths, 1887), and in the same year received, in honor of his seventieth birthday, the Kirchengeschichtliche Studien of T. Brieger, P. Tschackert, T. Kolde, F. Loofs, K. Mirbt, and his son, A. Reuter (Leipsic, 1888). Reuter also contributed largely to theological periodicals, especially to the ZKG, of which he was one of the founders.

BIBLJoaBAPHr: Worts pesprochen an dem Sarpe des Proes- sora Hermann Realer, Gotha, 1889; T. Brieger, in ZKG, Vol. xi. REUTER, QUIRIINUS: German Reformed; b.

at Mosbach (20 m. e. of Heidelberg) Sept. 27, 1558; d. at Heidelberg Mar. 22, 1613. He was educated at the Sapienzkollegium, a theological institution in Heidelberg, and when the Reformed were dismissed from it in 1577 by the Lutheran Louis VI., he received a scholarship at the Dionysianum, an institute for indigent scholars. In the following year (1578) he accepted a call to Neustadt. In 1580 he went to Breslau as the tutor of the eldest son of Andreas Dudith, whom he succeeded in winning over completely to Reformed views. He quickly became the confidant of Dudith, whose Orationes he published posthumously (Offenbach, 1590). During his residence in Breslau, Reuter is said to have written his De signtftcatione cometarum, but early in 1582 he was recalled by John Casimir to Neustadt. He did not, however, leave Breslau until the end of Mar., 1583. His teacher Ursinus had died on the sixth of the same month, and at the suggestion of Dudith Reuter edited the works of ursinus (3 vols., Heidelberg, 1612).

Reuter's initial duties in Neustadt were teaching and preaching. He was soon appointed third pastor at Neustadt, and in 1584 was the opponent of Jakob Gryneeus in the disputation between the Lutherans and Reformed. Soon after he became teacher at the P&dagogium, and in the same year was made pastor at Bensheim, while in 1587 he was called to the pastorate of Neuhausen near Worms. Three years later he was appointed second teacher at the Sapienzkollegium, but in 1593 became the pastor of the Reformed church in Speyer. In 1598 he succeeded Pareus as ephor of the Sapienzkollegium. Four years later he was appointed professor of Old-Testament theology at Heidelberg, a position which he retained until his death. Reuter was the author of Cen&ura catecheseos Heidelbergensia diatriba de ubiquitate; Tradatus de ecclesia; Aphorismi theologici de vera religione; De cultu Dei naturali, De lege morali non abrogata; Utrum inter ecdesiam Lutheranam et pontificiam sit speranda