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Page ix


BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX-vOLS. I-g The following list of books is sup plementary to the bibliographies given at the end of the articles contained in vols. I.-X., and brings the literature down to Feb. 20, 1911. In this list each title entry is printed in capital letters. It is to be noted that, throughout the work, in the articles as a rule only first editions are given. In the bibliographies the aim is to give either the best or the latest edition, and in case the book is published both m America and in some other coilntry, the American place of issue is usually given the preference.

ArmcA: R. E. Dennett, Nigerian Studies; the re lY and political System of Yoruba, New ork, 1910.

BIBLE TExT: Der Cambridger Psalter, Hamburg, 1911.