
RABAUT, PIERRE: French Protestant, youngest son of Paul Rabaut, known also as Dupuis and Rabaut le jeune; b. at Nîmes in Apr., 1746; d. there 1808. He chose a commercial career, but, like his two brothers, took an active part in politics, being elected to parliament and later to the bench in his native city. Of his works the following deserve mention for their value to French Protestantism of the eighteenth century: Details historiques et re-


cueil de pieces sur les divers projets qui ont été concus, depuis la Réformation jusqu'à ce jour, pour la reunion de toutes les communions chrétiennes
, (Paris, 1806); Notice historique sur la situation des églises chrétiennes reformees en France depuis leur rétablissement jusqu'd ce jour (1806); and Annuaire ou répertoire ecclésiastique à l'usage des églises réformées et protestdntes (1807).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: The works by Haag and Borrel given under RABAUT, PAUL.

RABAUT-POMMIER, JACQUES-ANTOINE: French Protestant, second son of Paul Rabaut (q.v.); b. at Nîmes Oct 24, 1744; d. at Paris Mar. 16, 1820. He was, together with his elder brother, educated at Geneva and Lausanne. In 1770 he was called to Marseilles as preacher, being the first of his faith to occupy a pulpit since the abrogation of the Edict of Nantes. In 1782 he went to Montpellier, where, with the assistance of some friends he was enabled to found a large hospital. During his stay in the southern part of France he was busy with scientific and medical studies, becoming the first advocate of vaccination as a preventive of smallpox. In 1790 he was elected to the magistracy of Montpellier, and in 1792 representative to the national convention. He was under Robespierre's rule arrested, but by some error overlooked, and after Robespierre's death was liberated. Napoleon created him vice-prefect of Vigan. On Dec. 3, 1802, the consistory of Paris called him (together with Marron and Jean Monod) to fill a pulpit in the latter city, where he labored with splendid results until Mar. 17, 1816, when he was exiled for the part played by him in the proceedings against Louis XVI. Two years later Count Boissy d'Anglas brought about his reinstatement, but, owing to infirmities due to the many vicissitudes of his active career, he died two years later. His only publications are Napoléon liberateur, discours religieux (Paris, 1810); and Sermon d'actione de grâces sur le retour de Louis XVllI, (1814).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Consult the Notice biographique by Coquerel in Nouvel annuaire protestant, pp. 299-325, Paris, 1821; A. Lods, Le Pasteur Rabaut Pommier, membre de la. Convention Nationale, 1744,-1820, Paris, 1893; and the literature under RABAUT, PAUL, especially the work of A. Borrel.


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