
PLANCK, plank, HEINRICH LUDWIG: German Lutheran; son of the preceding; b. at Gottingen July 19, 1785; d. there Sept. 23, 1831. He was educated at the university of his native city (1803-06), where he became lecturer in 1806. Four years later he was appointed associate professor of theology in the same institution, and in 1823 was promoted to a full professorship. He devoted himself particularly to New-Testament exegesis, and long labored on a lexicon of the Greek Testament, which he did not live to complete. Among his writings special mention should be made of the following: Bemerkungen über 1 Timotheus (Göttingen, 1808; in answer to Schleiermacher's attack on the authenticity of the epistle); Entwurf einer neuen synoptischen Zusammenstellung der drei ersten Evangelien nach Grundsätzen der höherer Kritik (1809); De vera natura atque indols orationis Græcæ Novi Testamenti (1810; Eng. transl. by A. S. Paterson, Edinburgh, 1833); and Abriss der philosophisehen Religionslehre (Göttingen, 1821).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Consult the literature under the preceding, especially G. C. F. Lücke, Dr. G. J. Planck, pp 153 sqq., Göttingen, 1835; and the Nekrolog for 1831, ii. 303; also J. X. F. Schlegel, Kirchen- and Reformationageschichte, vol. iii., Hanover, 1832; G. Uhlhom, Hannoversche Kirchengeschichte, Stuttgart, 1902; ADB, xxvi. 227; Vigouroux, Dictionnaire, fasc. xxxii., col. 457.

PLATH, plāt, KARL HEINRICH CHRISTIAN: Lutheran promoter of foreign missions; b. at Bamberg (69 m. n.e. of Posen) Sept. 8, 1829; d. at Berlin July 10, 1901. He was educated at Halle and Bonn (1849-53), and at Wittenberg Theological Seminary (1854-56); was preacher and religious instructor at Halle (1856-63); third secretary of the Society for Foreign Missions, Berlin (1863-71) and also instructor at the mission seminary, field-lecturer and author of missionary literature; first secretary of Gossner's Mission, after 1871; lecturer at the University of Berlin on missionary and religious history after 1867; and full professor after 1882. He visited India in 1877-78 on behalf of Gossner's Mission and twice afterward. He was author of Leben des Freiherrn von Canstein (Halle, 1861); Sieben Zeugen des Herrn aus allerlei Volk (Berlin, 1867) ; Die Erwdhlung der V dlker im Lichte der Missionsgeschichte (1867); Drei neue Missionsfragen (1868; Eng. transl., The Subject of Missions Considered under Three New Aspects, Edinburgh, 1873); Die Missionsgedanken des Freiherrn von Leibnitz (1869); Missions-Studien (1870); and Fünfzig Jahre Gossnerscher Mission (1886).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. Plath, Karl Plath, lnspektor der Gossworschen Mission Schwerin, 1904.


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