



LIUTPRAND, lūt'prand: Medieval Italian historian; d. about 970. He was of Lombard descent and was educated at the court of Pavia, where he attracted the attention of King Hugo, and later became the chancellor of King Berengar. In 949 he went to Constantinople on a mission for the king, but afterward became opposed to Berengar and went to the court of Otto I., who made him bishop of Cremona in 962. Six years later he made a second journey to Constantinople to gain the hand of a Greek princess for Otto II. His three works, none of which are complete, are as follows: Antapodosis, a history from 887 to 949, designed to requite the good and evil which he had experienced and directed especially against Berengar and Willa; Liber de rebus gestis Ottonis magni imperatoris, a history from 960 to 964; and Relatio de legatione Constantinopolitana, describing his second visit to the city. His style is attractive, but the subjectivity and unreliability of his writings render their historical value only secondary.

(A. Hauck.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: His works are collected in MGH, Script., iii (1839), 264-363, and in MPL, cxxxvi. 787-938. Consult: R. A. Köpke, De vita et scriptis Liudprandi, Berlin, 1842; C. Dändliker and J. J. Müller, Luidprand von Cremona und seine Quellen, Leipsic, 1871; F. Köhler, Beiträge zur Textkritik Liudprands von Cremona, in NA, viii (1883), 49-89; A. Zanelli, Una legazione a Costantinopoli nel secolo x., Brescia, 1883; Wattenbach, DGQ, i (1885), 347, 391-398, i (1893), 372, 423-428; L. von Ranke, Weltgeschichte, viii. 634-655, Leipsic, 1887; Potthast, Wegweiser, 742-744 (for further literature).

LIVERMORE, ABIEL ABBOT: American Unitarian; b. at Wilton, N. H., Oct. 30, 1811; d. there Nov. 28, 1892. He was graduated at Harvard College (1833) and at the Harvard Divinity School (1836). He was pastor at Keene, N. H. (1836-50), Cincinnati, O. (1850-56), and at Yonkers, N. Y. (1857-63); editing while he was in Yonkers The Christian Inquirer. He was president of the Meadville, Penn., Theological School (1863-89). He wrote: Commentaries on the Gospels (2 vols., Boston and New York, 1850), Acts (1844), and Romans (1854); Lectures to Young Men (Keene, 1846); and the Marriage Offering (Boston, 1848).


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