German Lutheran theologian; b. at Heroldingen
(near Harburg, 31 m. n.e. of Augsburg) 1512; d.
at Ansbach (25 m. s.w. of Nuremberg) Nov. 29,
1576. He was educated at Wittenberg, and then
began to preach, though unauthorized by the university
to do so. He promulgated heretical doctrines,
however, and in 1537 was imprisoned in the
castle of Wittenberg. He soon regained the confidence
of Luther and Jonas, and the former, at the
request of Count Louis of Oettingen, ordained Karg
minister at Oettingen, where he worked zealously
for the Reformation until forced to flee in 1547.
He found a welcome in the district of Ansbach and
was appointed pastor in Schwabach. In 1552 he
received a call to Ansbach, and was soon made superintendent
for the entire district. There he gradually
allowed the rites of the Roman Catholic
Church to fall into abeyance, and against the wishes
of the government sought to abolish all usages of
the Auctuarium a sort of modified interim which
had been introduced in an attempt to comply with
the imperial demand. At the request of the prince,
Karg took part in 1551 in the conferences of the
Wittenberg theologians on the Council of Trent,
and also attended the sessions of the conferences
at Frankfort and Worms. His heretical tendencies
had not entirely disappeared, however, and
in 1557 he was involved in a discussion on the
Eucharist, and later caused a commotion by his
teaching concerning justification by faith, declaring
that the law exacted either punishment or obedience,
but not both, and that Christ had suffered
passively for man, but had rendered obedience for
himself. His active obedience, accordingly, was
not part of his vicarious task, nor was his righteousness
imputed to man in the Scriptures, Luther's
interpretation of
BIBLIOGRAPHY: P. F. Karrer, in Zeitschrift f�r lutherische Theologie und Kirche, 1853, pp. 661 sqq.; G. Frank, Geschichte der protestantischen Theologie, i. 158 sqq., Leipsic, 1862, cf. J. J. I. D�llinger, Die Reformation, iii. 564 sqq., Regensburg, 1846.
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