JAMESON, j�'me-sun, ANNA BROWNELL: English authoress; b. in Dublin, Ireland, May 17, 1794; d. at Ealing (9 m. w. of St. Paul's, London), Middlesex, Mar. 17, 1860. She was the daughter of Denis Brownell Murphy, an Irish miniature-painter, who came to England in 1798 and settled with his family at London in 1803. After spending a number of years as governess in the family of the marquis of Winchester, and in other noted families, she contracted an unhappy marriage with Robert Jameson,
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BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. Macpherson, Memoirs of the Life of Anna Jameson, London, 1878; DNB, xxix. 230-232.
JANNES AND JAMBRES: The names given in II Tim. iii. 8 to the adversaries of Moses, who opposed their magic to his miracles, but were overcome by him (Ex. vii. 11 sqq.). Paul derived the names from Jewish tradition. Jambres appears in the forms Yambris, Yombros; the Talmudista write it mamre' and mamrey, "the rebel." Jannes appears as Yannis and Yonos, and in the Talmud as Yohannan (Yohanne). Buxtorf and Levy consider this last to be the original form; but the analogy of Jambres suggests that it also had an adjectival quality expressing a hostile character and that it was later confounded with the usual name Johannes. The names probably read Yani we Yamri, Aram. Yanne we Yamre, "he who seduces and he who makes rebellious."
Jewish tradition makes them sons of Balaam (Targum of Jonathan on Num. xxii. 22), and places their rise at the time the Pharaoh gave command to kill the first-born of Israel (Sanhedrin, f. 106a; Sotah 11a), and supposes them to have been teachers of Moses, the makers of the golden calf (Midrash Tanhuma, f. 115b), and to have accompanied their father Balaam.
These names were doubtless familiar to the apostle educated in the school of Gamaliel, and they seem also to have been well known in the heathen world. Origen end Ambrose mention an apocryphal book about Jannes and Mambres (see PSEUDEPIGRAPHA, OLD TESTAMENT, II., 37). The Pythagorean Numenius (second century) knew of the two Egyptian magi (Eusebius, Praeparatio evangelica, ix. 8), Apuleius had heard of them (Apologia, ii.). The two names occur in the Gospel of Nicodemus (chap. v.), in the Martyrium Petri et Pauli (chap. xxxiv.; R. A. Lipsius, Acta apostolorum apocrypha, Leipsic, 1891, pp. 148-149), in the Acta Petri et Pauli (chap. lv.; Lipsius, ut sup. p. 202), and elsewhere. The apostle has been blamed for employing so unimportant a tradition, but may be justified by the resemblance between these men and the false teachers of II Tim. iii. 6 sqq.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sch�rer, Geschichte, iii. 292-294, Eng. transl., II., iii. 149-150. The forms are discussed in the lexicons; e.g.: J. Buxtorf, ed. of Basel, 1639, pp. 945 sqq.; J. C. Suicerus, Thesaurus ecclesiasticus, s. v. "Iannes"; J. A. Fabricius, Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, i. 813 sqq., Hamburg, 1723; DB, ii. 549; EB, ii. 2327-29; JE, vii. 71.
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