Eudes distinguished himself by his care of the sick during times of plague and as a miesioner, and in 1639 became superior of the Congregation of the Oratory at Caen. Four years later, however, he left the Oratorians, and with five companions founded the Congregation of the Missionary Priests of Jesus and Mary, or Eldists, which substituted for monastic vows the vow of strict obedience and received the official sanction of the bishop of Bayeug, in 1644. The object of the Congregation was to provide a corps of educated secular priests for the special purpose of holding missions among the people, and during Eudea's administration of thirtyseven years as superior-general it spread throughout Normandy and s portion of Brittany, while seminaries were founded on the model of the mother house in Rouen, Evreua, Lisieux, Coutances, and Rennes. Under the immediate successor of Eudes, Blouet de Camilly, additional seminaries were established at Avranches, Dol, 8enlis, and Paris, while under Guy de Fontaines (d. 1727) and Pierre Cousin (d. 1751) the Eudists, together with the Jesuits, strongly opposed Jansenism. Up to the outbreak of the Revolution the Eudists were one of the most respected and influential Congregations of Roman Catholic France, and possessed a college at Paris, in addition to twelve large and five small seminaries, while Father H6bert, the superior of the Paris house, was the confessor of Louis XVI.
Despite the suppression of the Congregation during the Revolution, it was quietly revived in 1800 by Toussaint Blanchard in the seminary at Rennes, and was formally reorganized in 1826. It has consistently maintained its pronounced Ultramontanism, and since the middle of the nineteenth century has been active in foreign missions. Eudes himself not only founded the Congregation which bears his name, but also the Daughters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge, the prototype of the modern sisterhoods of the Good Shepherd, and was likewise active in spreading devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary, thus preparing the way for the later Congregations devoted to this purpose (see SACRED HEART oir J>flsus, DIDV0170N To). Since 1874 the Eudists have earnestly striven to secure the canonization of their founder. (O. Zbe>i1.Eat.)
Brnztoanwrtt:: C. de Montaey, Le Ptrro Eudes et sea insti-
tute, Paris, 1889, Eng. ttgnel., 2d ed., London, 1883; A. le
1brb, Lea Yertus du . . . Jean Eudea. Paris, 1872; idem,
Les SaerBs Contra d . Jean Eudea, ib. 1891; A. Pinae,
La V6mErabk Pdra Endue et we asuroru, Paris, 1901; HelYo4
Ordr,ee -aqua. viii. 1b9-188; Hembueher, Order and
Konprepationen, iii. a84-86, 423. 4bo-4b1; xL, iv. 9�r988; Ot>
BIBLIOGRAPHY: C. U. Hahn, Oeaehichte der Rstaer im bfih telaltsr, i. 483, 8tuttgaft, 1845; C. 8chmidt, Histoiro et doctrine do la sects du Catharee, i. 48, Paris, 1849; H. C. Lea, History o/ the Inquisition, i. 88, New York, 1908; J. J. I. von I)Sllinger, Beitrdye our 3ektaaperchichte, i. 101, Munich, 1890; K. M81ler, Kirdtenpeerhichte, i. 495, Freiburg, 1892; C. Molinier, in Revue historique, liv (1894), 1b8-181; P. Alphanddry, Las Id1ee morales ehea Iee hEtErodoxes Latina au dlbut du 13s. ai3cle, pp. 102 eqq., Paris, 1904; Hefele, Conciiisnpsxhirhte, v, b18-817; xL, iv. 882; Schaff, v, I, pp. 482, 483.
EUDOCIA, yu-d8'ehi-a, AELIA: Empress of Byzantium and wife of Theodosius II. (408-450); b. at Athens 394; d. at Jerusalem e. 460. Her original name was Athenais, and she was the daughter of the pagan rhetorician Leontius, she herself attaining wide celebrity as a scholarly defender of the ancient faith. After the death of her father, she is said to have gone to Constantinople to protest to Pulcheria, the sister of the empress, against the provisions of the will of Leontius, but Pulcheria, charmed by her beauty and culture, converted her to Christianity and presented her to her brother as a bride. The marriage is dated in 421, and she bore Theodosius a daughter Eudoaia, who became the wife of the Western emperor Valentinian III. In 438 Eudocia went to Jerusalem and brought back relics which included the two chains of 8t. Peter, depositing one at Constantinople and presenting the other to her daughter at Rome, where it gave its name to the church of St. Peter ad Vincula. Two statute were erected at Antioch in gratitude for Eudooia'e eulogy of the city. Before
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The whole course of the river is about 1,780
miles, and it is navigable for small vessels for about
1,200 miles. It has been well said that the "upper
region of the Euphrates resembles that of the
Rhine, while its middle course may be compared
with that of the Danube, and its lower with the
See ASSYRIA, II., �2; BABYLONIA, II., ��1-2.
Bibliography: F. R. Chesney, Expedition for the Survey of the . . . Euphrates, London, 1850 (the best); W. K. Loftus, Chaldea and Susiana, ib. 1857; A. H. Layard, Nineveh and Babylon, chaps. xxi.-xxii., ib. 1867; G. Rawlinson, Herodotus, Essay ix., London, 1875; F. Delitzsch, We lag das Paradies? pp. 169-170, Leipsic, 1881; Schrader, KAT, pp. 26-28, 122, 148, 239, 359, 528; DB, i. 794; ED, ii. 1427-29.
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