EISENMERGER, aiz'en-meng'er, JOHANN A1PDREAS: German Orientalist; b. at Mannheim
1654; d. at Heidelberg Dec. 20, 1704. He studied
.,t the Collegium sapierttite at Heidelberg, where his
knowledge of Hebrew attracted the attention of
Prince Karl Ludwig, who granted him a traveling
stipend enabling him to visit England and Holland.
The conversion of three Christians to Judaism
while he was at Amsterdam made him decide to
collect alt available anti-Jewish data for a work
which should prove a warning toChristians, and at
the same time shame the Jews. Returning from
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ED rhraem
vigorous repression of Arianism is demanded,
though the return of individuals to the Church is
made easy. It appears that priests and deacons
were married, and that the episcopal oversight
embraced the monasteries. The enforcement of
the rights of bishops corresponds to the treatment
of the metropolitan power. The number of for
bidden degrees for marriage is increased, in har
mony with older legislation, apparently with an
eye to the case of a royal official who had married
his deceased wife's sister; this led to an attempt
on the king's part to discipline the bishops, and to
a firm pronouncement on their part at the first
Synod of Lyons (before 523), at which eleven of
the members of the Synod of Epao were present.
BrnLroa$ApHr: The Acta, ed. R. Peiper, are in
Acct. ant., vi. 2 (1883), 185-176, cf. (ed. Meseaen)
Cormit., i (1893), lb eqq.; Harduin, Coneilia, ii. 1045
eqq.; Hefele,
Concilienpeachichte, ii
. 880 eqq., Eng. travel.,
iv. 107 eqq.; Neander, Chriska� Church, ii. 191, iii. b, 100.