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116 RELIGIOUS ENCYCLOPEDIA 2lu°tt Elohim and his autobiography, under the title The History of the Life of Thomas Elhvood (1714; reprinted, Boston, 1877). ]BIBLIOGRAPHY: D. Msseon, Life and Times of John Milton, 6 vols., London, 1859-80; Maria Webb, The Penns and the Penningtona of the 17th Century, ib. 1867; A. C. Bick ley, George Fox and the Early Quakers, ib. 1884; DNB, zvii. 303-305 (contains full list of his works); his auto biography was republished in the original spelling, Lon don, 1906. ELMER, JOHN. See AYLMER, JOHN. ELMO, SAINT. See HELPERS IN NEED, THE FOURTEEN. ELOHIM, el'o-him". (Hebr. Elohim): The most common designation for God in the Old Testament, applied both to the heathen gods and to the one true God, whose proper name is Yahweh. Con- The term moat nearly related to Elohim netted as a designation of God, though occur ftames. ring rarely and only in poetry, is its singular in the form Eloah, likewise
the short and frequently used word El. The ques
tion of the derivation and significance of Elohim
must take into consideration these related words.
For a long time the derivation of Elohim received
with the most deserved approval was that of Flei
acher (in Delitzach's Genesis, Leipaic, 1872, 57-58)
from a root alihd not current in Hebrew but found
in Arabic, signifying " to be amazed, to fear."
This derivation does not satisfy because it does not
account f or the singular form El, and the Arabic word
is itself probably a secondary formation from the
word for God (cf. Dillmann, Alttestamentliche The
dogie, Leipsic, 1895, 210). H. Schultz
Etymol- (Altteatamentliehe Theologie, GSttingen,
ogy. 1896, 405, note 10) derives El from ul
" to be strong." El signifies then
"the strong," "the mighty," and is conceived as
a verbal noun. Many objections can be brought
to this derivation both in regard to the significance
of the name and with respect to the original short
ness of the a in El (cf. Dillmann, ut sup. Theodor
Noldeke derives El from a verbal stem ul or il
signifying " to be in front" (Monatsberichte der
Berliner Akademie, 1880, 760 aqq.). God is then to
be thought of as " the leader," " the foremost
one." This derivation demands the long a in El
and is not satisfactory to the scholarship of to
day. Lagarde (Uebersicht fiber die Nominalbildung,
Giittingen, 1889, 170; cf. G. Kerber, Hebrdische
Eigennamen, Freiburg, 1897, 83; Bathgen, Bei
trage zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte, Berlin,
1889, 272 aqq.) has sought to derive the word from
the root slab to which the preposition el, " to," be
longs. El =God would then indicate "the end of
all human seeking " and " the object of all human
striving." This receives some support from analo
gous usage in the Assyrian. But the idea is too
abstract to express the original first impressions of
divinity among any people. The authority of the
philologist has very little weight either in the history
or philosophy of religion. It is not safe to build
historical or philosophical theories concerning the
original conception of divinity on etymological
speculations. Nevertheless one can not deny that
the concept of " might," or " mighty one," has a con-
tent which, on the one hand, bears in it the essential mark of the concept of divinity, and, on the other, is sufficiently concrete to serve as a foundation for a root so ancient and original as El. If it be possible to remove the objections to the derivation from slab, " to be strong," this etymology will be the moat probable.
The next question concerns the relationship of Eloah and Elohim to El, and scholars are virtually agreed that Elohim is an old plural of El, while Eloah is a secondary formation from Elohim. As to the significance of this plural the main question is, does it now or did it originally signify plurality of divine being? The data are confined to the Old Testament and the text in several instances is not beyond question (cf. Strack's Genesis, 68). If one looks at the instances where Elohim must be plural, because it signifies a plurality of (heathen) gods, there yet remain a great and preponderating number of passages where it can mean only the (one)
God of Israel. In these instances, it is Use in the rule that Elohim, where it is aubSingular ject and where it has an attribute,
Extra-Biblical sources afford no help. The analogy of the Phenician which possesses a plural word for a unitary God, is not significant because no Phenician document reaches back to Old-Testament times. There is the possibility that the plural Elohim has come in early times from the experience of many divine beings (Smith, Rel. of Sem., 445), but this is not more than an abstract possibility. It may be claimed that the experience of many reve-