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Easters Church Eber
him the Very Rev. Archimandrite Raphael Hawaweeny and founded a church for Orthodox Syrians in New York City. In 1899 the congregation acquired permanent quarters in Brooklyn. In 1904 the patriarch of Antioch elevated Raphael to the rank of bishop and he was consecrated by the Russian bishops Tikhon and Innocent, his consecration being the first in the United States of a bishop of the Eastern Church. There are ten churches under his jurisdiction and the membership of his flock is about 45,000.
The first Orthodox church for those of Greek nationality was founded in New Orleans, where many Greek merchants were engaged in the cotton trade. The second was founded in Chicago in 1872, when Greeks and Slavs united in calling a Greek priest from Russia. This church, after an interval, was reestablished in 1891, and in the same year another was opened in New York City, and a fourth in Boston with a priest of Syrian nationality. The Church of Lowell, Mass., a city having a large Greek population, dates from 1895. The total number of Orthodox churches for those of Greek descent, under the jurisdiction either of the Synod of Greece or of the Greek patriarch at Constantinople at present exceeds thirty. A religious paper is published in Greek at Milwaukee. In 1905 and again in 1907 a bill was introduced in the Greek parliament at Athens for the despatch of one of the prelates of Greece as a resident bishop for the Greeks in the United States. The bill, however, failed to pass, perhaps because the existence in the United States of bishops of the Greek Church owing allegiance to two different autonomous synods-t hose of Russia and Greece-would be anticanonical. It has been suggested that, besides the Russian and Syrian bishops, a Greek and a Servian bishop be appointed; an independent synod for the United States and Canada can then be formed and the bishops can elect their own metropolitan.
The total number of Greek Orthodox inhabitants of the United States, Alaska, and Canada is believed to exceed 300,000. The growth of the churches has been due in no small degree to a tendency on the part of Austrian and Hungarian Uniates who have emigrated to America to separate from Rome and return to the Eastern Orthodox confession. One reason for this tendency is the effort of the Roman Church to deprive the Uniates in America of their married priests. A. A. STAMODLI.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: The chief sources for the earlier history are the first seven councils, the writings of the Greek Fathers, especially of Athanseius, Chryeoetom. John of Damascus, and Photius. For a conspectus of the literature of the Church, consult Krumbacher, Geachichte. On the general history consult: J. M, Neale, Hint, of the Holy Eastern Church, London, 1850; J. M. Heineccius, Abbildung der alters and neuen priechiachen Kirche. 3 vole., Leipsic, 1711; M. Le Quien, Orions Chrixtianue, 3 viols., Paris, 1740; A. P. Stanley, Lectures on the Eastern Church, London, 1861, new issue, 1908; A. Leroy-Beaulieu, L'Empire des tears et lea Busses, Vol. iii., La Religion, Paris, 1889; A. H. Hors Eighteen Centuries of the Orthodox Greek Church, London, 1899; idem, Student's Hiat. of the Greek Church, ib. 1902; K. Beth, Die orientaliache Chriatenheit der Mittelmeerl8ndtr, Berlin, 1902; J. Pargoire, L'todiae Byzantine. 527-Sb7. Paris, 1905; A. Forteacue, The Orthodox Eastern Church, London, 1905 (by a Roman Catholic); F. G. Cole, Mother of AU Churches; a brief and comyrehenaive Handbook of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church,
THE NEW SCHAFF-HERZOG 64ib. 1908; the histories of the Councils by Harduin, Manei, and Hefele; the Church Histories of Hergenr5ther-Kirsch, Funk. Hefele-KntiPPfier, and K. MOller.
On the great schism and the attempts to heal it coneult: G. B. Howard, The Schism between as Oriental and Western Churches, London, 1892; Leo Allatius, De eccleeim occadentalia et orientalia perpetua conaenaione. Cologne, 1848: C. Will, Acts et aeripta . . de controvers%ia ucleaiw Groom et Latina, Marburg, 1881; A. Pichler, Geaehichte der kirchlirhen TrennurW awiachen dem Oraent urul Occident. 2 vole., Munich, 1864-6b: J. Hergenrdther, Photiua, 3 vole., Regensburg, 1887-69; R. Baxmann. Die Politile der Papate, 2 vole., Elberfeld, 1888-89; L. Ducheane, Autonomea etiquusa: 4pliaea aEpmrEea, Paris. 1898; Eng. tranal., Churches Separated from Rome, New York, 1908; L. Brehier, Le Schisms oriental du xi. aQcTe, ib. 1899; W. Norden, Daa PaPattum and Byzanz, Berlin, 1903.
For the formalized eymbolica of the Church consult: Schaff, Creeds, vole. i.-ii.; E. J. Kimmel, Monuments fidero eccleaice orientadis, 2 vole., Jena, 1850; J. B. Pitra, Juria eccleaiaeticfi Gro:corum hiatoria et monuments, 2 vole., Rome, 1864--68; w. Gala, Symlwlik der priech4achan Kirche, Berlin, 1872 ; F. Kattenbueeh, Lehrbuch der verpdeichenden Confeeaionakunde, vol. i., Freiburg, 1892 ; E. F. K. Miiller, Symbodik, pp. 195-242, Leipsic, 1898; N. Milan, Daa Kirchenrecht der marpealandiachen Kirche, Zara, 1897; Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church, Erg. transl. by P. Lodvill, London, 1898 ; Acts end Decrees of the Synod of Jeruaadem, . . 16796, Eng. tranal, by J. N. W. B. Robertson, London, 1899; F. Loofa, Symbolik, i. 2, pp. 109-189, Tiibingen, 1902 ; J. Michalceacu, Die Bekenntniaae and die wichtdgaten Glaubenazeupniaae der priahiachorientaliachen Kirche, Leipsic, 1904 (contains the statements of the first seven councils, and the confessions of Gennadius, M ogilae, Dositheus etc.). The Longer Catechism of Philaret, issued by authority of the Holy Synod of 8t. Petersburg, 1839, is used in the churches and schools of the Russian empire, and is the beat modern exposition of the doctrine of the Eastern Church.
On the liturgies consult: H. A. Daniel, Codex diturpicus ecclea'em univeraalis, vol. iv., Leipsic, 1853; J. Goar, EuchoZopaum, give rituals Greecum, Paris, 1847; E. Renaudot, Liturpiarum orientalium colleeEio, 2 vole., Pane, 1718, Eng. transl., Collection of the Principal Liturgies .
Used by the Greeks . . . of the Oriental Church, Dub lin, 1822; J. King, Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Church in Russia, London, 1872 ; The Offices of the Oriental Church, with Historical Introduction, ed. N. Bjerring, New York, 1884; Synopsis, or Spiritual Collection of the Daily Prayers, Liturgy, . . . of !he Greek Orthodox Church of the East, travel, and ed. Katherine Lady Lechmere, London (1890 ); C. E. Hammond, Liturgies Eastern and Western, ed. F. E. Brightman, vol. i., Oxford, 1896; A. Btaerk, Der Taufritua in der praechisch-ruaaiaehen Kirrhe, Freiburg, 1903.
On the more modern history and that of the different branches mush material is found in the Revue de l'orient chrMen, vole, i. eqq., 1898 sqq.: in Echoa d'oraerat, vole. i.-vi.; and in the Revue internationade de UeSolopie, vole. iii.iv.. Bern, 1895 -98. Consult further: J. J. I. von DSllinger. Ruche and Kircheu, pp. 158 eqq.. Munich, 1881 ; Eng. tranal., The Church and the Churches, London, 1882 ; idem, Ueber die Wfedereinigunp der chriaUichen Kirchen, ib. 1888; L. Boiaeard, L'kgdias de Ruesie, 2 vole., Paris, 1887; A. d'Avril, La Bulparie chr_tienne, Paris, 1892; idem, Lea >;pdiaea autonomes et autorkphalea ib. 1895; idem, La Serbie chr5tientte, ib. 1897; H. Gelzer, Gefbtliches and WelUichea aua dam titrkiachen orient, Leipsic, 1900; O. HObner, S tatiatische TabeUe aUer Larder, Frankfort, 1901: D. Kyriakos, Geachichte der orienfaliachen Kirchen, 1/,68-1898, Leipsic, 1902; M. G. Dampier, Hiat. of the Orthodox Church in Austria-Hungary, London, 1905. Material of value will be found also in D. M. Wallaoe, Russia, New York, 1905.
Special topics are treated in: A. de f3tourdaa, Conaid5rationa cur la doctrine et Z'eaprit de Z'kplisa orthodoxe, Paris, 1816; K. P. Pobedonoezew, S treiEfrapen der Gepenwart, Berlin, 1897 : K. Boll, Enthusiarmua and Bung, walt beim priechiachen MdnrhNum, Leipaic. 1898: P. Meyer, Die theolopiache Litleratur der priech%arhen Kirche im IB. Jahrhundert, ib. 1899; A. 8ohmidtke, D ae Kdoaterdand des Athos, ib. 1903; B. Pick, Hymns sad Poetry of the Eastern Churh, New York, 1908.