L Definition and Names: Scientifically considered, " Comparative Religion " is the second of three stages of study-the History, Comparison, and Philosophy of Religion; but because of the newness of the discipline and because the collection of data is still in progress, the term as popularly employed includes all three stages, and this usage is, for the time at least, justified by the state of the science. Other phrases have indeed been proposed as substitutes, among which the most
Characteristics of Taboo (1 2). Penalties of Breach of Taboo (f 8). d. Primitive Religion in the Sphere of Cult. Communal Sacrifice (4 1). Honorific Sacrifice 0 2). Piaoular Sacrifice U 3). Human Sacrifice (1 4). 2. In National.and Universal Religions. a. Dependence on Tribal Religion. b. Common Features. Psychological (§ 1). Social (1 2). Ethical (1 3). Cultio (1 4). a. Modifications Due to Ethnic or Local Differences. d. Parallel Lines of Development.fitting is "The Science of Religion "-a name, against which three objections are urged: (1) the other term is. now in possession, and popular usage in language is conservative; (2) rigid scientists affirm that for the present stage the term " science " is too ambitious; (3) religionists shrink from admitting that the rigorous methods of investigation implied by " science " may be applied in the sacred sphere of religion. To these objections the reply may be made that " science rr does not imply
For the organization of the Lutheran churches in America see LuTa=errs. In the Reformed Dutch and Reformed French churches the consistory is an ecclesiastical court corresponding to the Presbyterian session in the former, and to the presbytery in the latter; in the Church of England it is a diocesan court presided over by the chancellor of the diocese.